freely distributing the Holy Scriptures,
publicly proclaiming the Gospel,
going into all nations,
mobilizing gentile churches to reach jewish people

If you are Jewish and would like a FREE printed copy of the bilingual Hebrew-English Scriptures, OR if you have a Jewish friend and would commit to give them a FREE printed bilingual copy of the Hebrew-English Scriptures, please request below. We reserve the right to refuse requests.
we need a spiritual awakening in America
Much has already happened in 2025, our 23rd straight year of Great Commission ministry and consistent Gospel testimony. The same message we preached in 2003 as I rode a bicycle across America is the same message we preached in 2023 on a long walk across America. It’s the same message we have preached in forty-six foreign countries and it will be the same message next month in #47 …
apple podcasts
using the JERUSALEM ROAD in evangelism

The words of the late Keith Green posted above made a convicting impact on me many years ago as I wrestled with answering God’s call in my life to missions and my understanding of the Great Commission. Today, we still go into all the world, preaching the Gospel to both Jew and Gentile . . .