freely distributing the Holy Scriptures,
publicly proclaiming the Gospel,
going into all nations,
mobilizing gentile churches to reach jewish people
we need a spiritual awakening in America
Last Friday, I walked the first “breadth” or SPUR off #TheLongWalkUSA main route, carrying the cross and a U.S. flag in distress. While several from our local church joined up with other brethren to lift up voices outside the Planned Parenthood in Asheville, North Carolina, we walked from that death mill to the junction with the Blue Ridge Parkway off US 25, a 6-mile spur.
I begin typing as I sit here with Jamie at the Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey, waiting for our flight back to Romania. ‘Twas a crowded and hectic subway journey just to get back here from the old city. Wow, we had quite a time in Istanbul . . . but wait, I must not get ahead of myself. Truly, much led up to this point, and the Lord has been very good. Thank you for all your prayers.