the holy scriptures

(A). We believe that the Holy Bible was written by God through men of old who were divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction, the blueprint whereby every man should live his life, the source of absolute truth without mixture of error, and the FINAL AUTHORITY in all matters of faith and practice. It was INSPIRED in the original manuscripts and has been PERFECTLY PRESERVED in a pure line of text down through the ages. Because believers are commanded to live by every word of God, the Almighty is duty-bound to provide them with every word. This He has done by way of divine preservation, despite Satan’s counterfeits (Psalm 12:6-7, 138:2; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4, 22:29; Mark 12:24; John 10:35, 17:17; II Corinthians 2:17; II Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12-13; II Peter 1:20-21).

(B). Whereas the original language text of Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek and the diverse vernacular translations underlying the Authorized King James Bible represent the only received text perpetuated in historical continuity by way of faithful Bible-believers from the original autographs; and whereas the Authorized King James Bible has been defended by a consensus of the common faith of English-speaking saints for nearly four hundred years as the English standard of God’s Holy Scriptures; and whereas the Almighty has undeniably blessed the use of the Authorized King James Bible in and through the ministries of English-speaking Bible-believing churches, evangelists, missionaries, and street preachers for four centuries; and whereas the Authorized King James Bible is translated by superior texts, translators, techniques, and theology; and whereas the Authorized King James Bible and those who defend and use it are facing increased ridicule and oppression from church leaders, educational institutions, and mission agencies: Full Proof Gospel Ministries embraces the Authorized King James Bible as its official English translation for public proclamation and distribution.

(C). In light of the truth of Isaiah 55:11, Hebrews 4:12-13, and Romans 10:17, we believe that our best possible strategy is the dissemination and proclamation of the Word of God. Where human strategies may fail, the Word of God will not and does not return void. Therefore, we believe that getting the Bible and/or tractarian literature containing the pure Word of God into the hands of the common people is of utmost importance (see also Jeremiah 23:29; John 6:63; James 1:21; I Thessalonians 2:13).

(D). We believe that the Scriptures are to be rightly divided (II Timothy 2:15). Proper interpretation only comes by the consistent use of literal, normal, and plain hermeneutics, by taking the surrounding context into full consideration, and by allowing Scripture to be the final arbiter and interpreter of Scripture. Any other principle that attempts to give respectability to preconceived conclusions is to be rejected. Difficult passages should be interpreted in light of plain passages and not vice versa. Moreover, we believe that the Holy Scriptures cannot and do not contradict themselves. Seeming contradiction is merely apparent and not actual (Proverbs 30:5-6). Failure to embrace such principles ultimately leads to the wresting of Scripture to one’s own destruction (II Peter 3:16).


(A). In the spirit of II Timothy 2:15, our theology is dispensational by nature. Because we affirm the plain interpretation of Holy Scripture while employing a grammatical/historical hermeneutic; because we acknowledge the eternal Scriptural distinctions between Israel and the Church; and because we embrace the God-centered notion that the Creator’s foremost purpose and plan for all eternity is self-glorification (as opposed to the man-centered notion that the underlying purpose of all history is the redemption of mankind—see Ephesians 1:4-14): We view human history as a series of divinely determined and progressively distinct stewardships or dispensations that God gave to mankind in order to manifest His glory. Such dispensations are the subjects of detailed revelation in Scripture, and they are crucial to understanding proper biblical doctrine (II Timothy 2:15; see also Genesis 1:28; I Corinthians 9:17; II Corinthians 3:9-18; Galatians 3:13-15; Ephesians 1:10, 3:2-11; Colossians 1:24-27; Revelation 20:2-6). According to the Scriptures, there are at least seven dispensations or stewardships, and each of these, following man’s state of innocence in the Garden of Eden, brings additional divine revelation, increased spiritual help, and a corresponding change in mankind’s responsibilities—all with a view toward glorifying God.

(B). We believe that biblical stewardships or dispensations are defined by a specific time frame, a goal of stewardship (i.e. To glorify God by . . .), and divine judgment for mankind’s stewardship failure. The Dispensation of Innocence (Genesis 1-3) began with Creation and ended with the Fall of Man. Its goal of stewardship was to glorify God by governing the earth in worshipful submission to Him. Man’s failure in this brought death and expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The Dispensation of Human Conscience began with the Fall of Man and ended with the Flood (Genesis 4-8). Its goal of stewardship was to glorify God by walking before Him with a clear conscience. Man’s failure in this brought God’s judgment in the form of a worldwide flood. The Dispensation of Human Government began with the Flood and ended at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 9-11). Its goal of stewardship was to glorify God by man governing himself with a view to promoting God’s righteousness. Failure in this again brought God’s judgment: the confusion of languages. The Dispensation of Promise began with Abraham and ended at Mt. Sinai (Genesis 12-Exodus 19). Its goal of stewardship was to glorify God by living by faith in His verbal promises to the patriarchs. Failure in this brought Israel’s enslavement in Egypt. The Dispensation of the Law began at Mt. Sinai and ended at Pentecost (Exodus 20-Acts 1). Its goal was to glorify God by living in conformity to the Law. Failure in this brought about the destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion of the Jews. The Dispensation of the Spirit (or Grace) began with Pentecost and will end at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Acts 2-Revelation 19). Its goal of stewardship is to glorify God by walking under the control of the Holy Spirit. Man’s failure in this will bring about the Worldwide Tribulation. The Dispensation of the Kingdom will begin with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and continue until the end of His Millennial Reign. Its goal of stewardship will be to glorify God by living in New Covenant harmony with the risen, glorified King. Man’s failure in this will result in Satan’s final deception, divine destruction, and the Great White Throne Judgment.

(C). These stewardships assertively demonstrate that man, if left to himself in whatever state God places him (whether it be a state of innocence in the Garden of Eden or under the iron rod of Christ Jesus during the Millennium), will utterly fail (Psalm 39:5). Therefore, the common thread of salvation that runs throughout all dispensations is divine grace through faith; for without faith, it is impossible to please God (Romans 9:31-33; Hebrews 4:2, 11:6). Justification or right standing before God has always been rooted in faith whereas each dispensation’s required stewardship has been given as a means of sanctification or fellowship with the Creator (i.e. a means of conforming, based upon God’s revelation, to the righteous standing that a man, by grace through faith, is been declared to have). Furthermore, underlying all of human history is the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, as the chief means of God’s self-glorification. All dispensations point to this and are mere stepping stones to the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times in which God will gather all things together in Christ for eternity (Ephesians 1:10).

the godhead

We believe in one eternal Triune God who presently exists and is revealed to us in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—co-eternal in being, co-equal in deity, co-identical in nature, and having the same attributes and perfections (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; II Corinthians 13:14; John 14:10, 26; Ephesians 4:6; I Timothy 3:16; I John 5:7-8).

the depravity of man

(A). Man was created by God in a state of innocent holiness under the law of his Maker. He was created to serve the Almighty and exercise dominion over all creation in a state of perfect obedience. However, mankind, federally and seminally represented in Adam (cf. Hebrews 7:9-10), transgressed the law of God and fell from a state of holiness and righteousness. His sin brought with it a curse upon the earth. Moreover, mankind received a sin nature that is inherited and possessed by each and every human being that has ever come into existence. Such a nature involves corruption, depravity, and bondage into which each human being is born. This depravity extends to all factions of the person; he is totally depraved. We are not sinners because we sin; we commit sin because we are sinners. Therefore, man is under condemnation and, as soon as he is capable of moral action, becomes an actual transgressor of God’s law bound for eternal punishment and separation from his Creator (Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 14:1-3, 53:1-3, 58:3; Ecclesiastes 7:20; Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:10-20, 23, 5:12, 7:9, 8:8; Ephesians 2:1-3; James 4:4).

(B). All men are born in sin, but sin is not imputed where there is no law (Romans 5:13). Since all men have the law of God written on the conscience (Romans 2:14-15), the only time when it can be said that there is no law in a person's life, or that "I was alive without the law once" (Romans 7:9), is prior to the awakening of the conscience to the sinful condition. Therefore, sin is not imputed to men until they come to a point of understanding good and evil and therefore become aware of the depravity in which they were born (i.e. an age or state of accountability). At such point, the commandment comes, sin is revived, and a man is slain by the law (i.e. becomes morally responsible before God; cf. Romans 7:7-9). In view of this truth, we believe that if someone dies prior to reaching a state of accountability (e.g. babies, young children, the mentally handicapped), that person will be covered by the grace of God in Jesus Christ and be a part of the kingdom of heaven (cf. II Samuel 12:22-23).

the person & work of jesus christ

Because of sin, mankind is separated from a holy God and doomed to eternal punishment. In order to reestablish the relationship that once existed between God and his creation, a mediator was needed to pay the price of sin. That mediator was the God-man, Christ Jesus. He was 100% God clothed in 100% human flesh, born into this world of a virgin. He lived a sinless life, was crucified to pay for the sins of the world, descended into hell, was buried, and rose again on the third day, confirming the Almighty’s acceptance of the sacrifice that was made on the cross. Presently, Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father whereby He serves as the one and only mediator for all that accept Him by faith. He is the only bridge between a righteous God and sinful man, the only way to heaven. (Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 9:6, 53:1-12; Zechariah 12:10; John 1:1-18, 3:14-18, 34-36, 5:18-19, 8:24, 36, 58, 10:30-33, 14:6; Acts 1:8-10, 2:17-36, Acts 4:12; Romans 3:24-25, 5:8-11, 8:34, 14:10-12; II Corinthians 5:19-21; Galatians 4:4-5; Ephesians 4:9; Philippians 2:6-11; Colossians 1:12-22; I Timothy 1:15, 2:5-6, 3:16; Hebrews 4:15, 7:25, 9:24-28, 10:12; I Peter 3:18-19; I John 2:1-2, 5:7-8; Revelation 1:5-8).


We believe that eternal salvation is the gift of God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ ALONE. His precious blood was shed at Calvary for the forgiveness of sins. There is no other way to heaven and no other name under heaven given among men whereby we can be saved. Those that reject salvation through Jesus Christ will be forced to pay the wages for their own sin and wickedness, thus perishing in hell and suffering vengeance from the wrath of God as just punishment (John 1:12, 3:36, 6:47, 14:6, 20:31; Acts 4:12; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 1:7, 2:8-10; Colossians 1:14; II Thessalonians 1:6-10; I Peter 1:18-19; I John 5:11-13; Revelation 20:12-13).

the eternal security of believers

(A). We believe that all the redeemed, once saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, are kept by the power of God and secure in Christ forever, sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption (John 6:37-40, 10:27-30; Romans 8:1, 8:38-39; I Corinthians 1:4-8; Ephesians 1:3-7, 4:30; II Timothy 1:12; I Peter 1:4-5; II Peter 2:9).

(B). We believe that it is the privilege of believers to rejoice in the assurance of their salvation through the testimony of God’s Word, which, however, clearly forbids the use of Christian liberty as an occasion to the flesh (Romans 13:13-14; Galatians 5:13; Titus 2:11-15). Moreover, believers are exhorted to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, not as a declaration of the impermanent nature of propitiation but for edification unto sanctification and exhortation unto the grave responsibility that accompanies so great a salvation (I Corinthians 9:27; 11:31-32; II Corinthians 11:3, 13:5; Philippians 2:12; Hebrews 2:3).

the person & work of the holy spirit

(A). We believe that the Holy Spirit, being 100% God, is a person who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Also, he is the supernatural agent in spiritual regeneration and the spiritual baptizing of all believers into the Body of Christ by way of permanent indwelling and sealing unto the day of redemption (John 6:44, 15:26, 16:8-11; Romans 8:9; I Corinthians 2:7-10, 12:12-14; II Corinthians 3:6; Ephesians 4:7-12, 5:20; Colossians 2:2; I John 5:7-8).

(B). We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Divine Teacher who assists all believers to understand and appropriate the Scriptures. In fact, proper understanding of the Scriptures is not possible apart from the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit. Also, it is the privilege and duty of all believers to be filled with the Spirit. The primary evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit is speaking the Word of God in boldness (Acts 4:29-31; I Corinthians 2:12-16; Ephesians 1:17-18, 5:18; I John 2:20, 27).

(C). We believe that God is sovereign in the bestowal of spiritual gifts to every believer. God uniquely uses evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip believers in the assembly in order that they may carry out the work of the ministry and the public proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:3-8; I Corinthians 12:4-11; Ephesians 4:7-12).

(D). We believe that the sign gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as the gift of speaking in tongues and the gift of divine healing, primarily served to authenticate the Gospel message being proclaimed before the perfect and complete Word of God came into being. We also believe that speaking in tongues was never the common or necessary sign of the baptism or filling of the Holy Spirit and that ultimate deliverance of the body from sickness and death awaits the consummation of our salvation in the resurrection, though God Himself frequently acts to bring about miraculous healing (Mark 16:17-20; I Corinthians 1:22, 13:8-12, 14:21-22; II Corinthians 12:12). Experiences with the miraculous and apparent manifestations of sign gifts are never to be the judge of truth; experience can only be rightly judged by the Word of God (Proverbs 28:26; Jeremiah 17:9; John 17:17; Hebrews 4:12-13; I John 4:1). Also, we acknowledge that Satan and the forces of evil have the power to deceive through miraculous signs and wonders (Deuteronomy 13:1-3; Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; II Corinthians 11:14-15; II Thessalonians 2:9).

the second coming & the eternal state

(A). We believe in that “blessed hope”—the personal, imminent return of Jesus Christ to rapture His Church prior to the seven-year tribulation period. At the end of the Tribulation, Christ will personally and visibly return with His saints to establish His earthly Messianic Kingdom which was promised unconditionally to the nation of Israel for a thousand years. After this millennial reign, the Great White Throne judgment will then ensue. The unsaved will stand before God in judgment. They will receive eternal bodies, be condemned according to their works, and be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone forever and ever. Then, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, Jesus Christ will hand over the kingdom to the Father that God may be all in all, and believers will live in the Almighty’s presence without sin for all of eternity. The time of Christ’s coming for the Church is not revealed, but it is imminent. Therefore, every believer should watch, work, and wait, being diligent unto good works so as to make manifest to a lost world the reality and power of their hope in Christ. We believe that public proclamation of the Gospel and the faithful carrying out of the Great Commission are important aspects of such diligence; and the nature of eternal damnation apart from Jesus Christ constrains us to such (Psalm 89:3-4; Isaiah 65:17; 66:22-24; Daniel 2:31-45; Zechariah 14:4-11; Acts 1:11; I Corinthians 15:25-28; II Corinthians 5:10-11; I Thessalonians 1:10, 4:13-18; II Timothy 4:8; Titus 2:13; II Peter 3:7-13; Revelation 3:10, 19:11-16, 20:1-6).

(B). We believe that an understanding of the biblical order of the end times is vital when preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In these latter times, when everything in society seems to be waxing worse and worse, we, as followers of the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, must stay on course and maintain a proper grasp of the sequence of God’s plan as laid out in the Holy Scriptures: (1) The Rapture of the Church, (2) The Tribulation Period, (3) The Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ with his Saints, (4) The national reconciliation of the Jewish people with the Messiah, (5) The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, and (6) Eternity’s new heavens and new earth.


(A). We take a negative view of human nature which is corrupted by sin. Man in his natural state, or even regenerated by the Holy Spirit, is still so evil in his nature that he is unable to do God’s will with any amount of time or resources so as to usher in peace on earth. Therefore, the thousand year reign of perfect peace under the reign of Jesus Christ, spoken of in both Testaments, cannot come upon this earth until the King of Kings actually returns visibly and bodily to set up that kingdom himself. To do this, he will destroy every form of religious and political government that man has set up on this earth, and this will be done brutally and without mercy (Genesis 6:5; Isaiah 11:1-12; Daniel 2:44; Joel 2:1-17; Amos 9:14; Zephaniah 3:8; Zechariah 14:1-10; Matthew 19:28, 25:31; Luke 1:30-33, 11:13; Acts 1:11; Galatians 1:4; Revelation 20:1-6).

(B). Prior to the visible return of Jesus Christ, the general state of society and human government will ultimately deteriorate by way of a downward spiral of sin and corruption. Therefore, we believe that all forms of human government, politics, philanthropy, and/or humanitarian efforts are vainly transitory and worthless apart from the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ecclesiastes 1:14, 12:13-14; Ephesians 2:2; I Timothy 4:1-2; II Timothy 3:1-5, 4:1-5; II Peter 2:1-3, 3:3-7; Jude 17-18).

the personality of satan

We believe that Satan is a person, the author of sin, and the cause of the fall of man. He is the open and declared enemy of God and man. He will be eternally punished in the lake of fire. His primary methods of attack are through deception and intimidation; moreover, he is vehemently opposed to the public proclamation of Jesus Christ and will do everything, in so far as he is allowed, to stifle the preaching of the Gospel. Though believers should not fear Satan, an ultimately defeated enemy, they should be vigilant and sober toward his activities and regarding his power, knowing that he commonly manifests himself as an angel of light with all deception. Therefore, it behooves believers to test all spirits to see whether they be of God, for many false and Satanic prophets have gone out into the world (Genesis 3:1-24; Job 1:6-7; Isaiah 14:12-17, 27:1; Matthew 4:2-11, 25:41; John 8:44; II Corinthians 4:4, 11:14-15; Ephesians 6:11-14; Hebrews 2:14; James 4:7; I Peter 5:8-9; I John 4:1; Revelation 20:10).

liberty of conscience

(A). We believe in a sovereign God who governs all things according to His will (Psalm 115:3; Revelation 4:11). Before Him all men must give an account (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). It is God who pricks the human conscience, and He alone gives increase to the seeds of the Gospel scattered and watered by faithful believers. Therefore, this ministry holds firmly to the Baptist distinctive of liberty of conscience and will have no part in religious persecution or the hindrance of religious freedom. And, we will endeavor to stand against all forms thereof. We cannot or will not force the Gospel upon any man, nor shall we acknowledge or affirm any claim of human governments or human institutions to jurisdiction in matters of a man’s conscience before the LORD.  All men have a conscience given to them by God and therefore should be free from the dictates of man to either choose or reject the witness of God according to that conscience (Romans 2:15; Acts 24:16; I Timothy 3:9). Judgment and the consequences for rejection of God’s Word in the hearts and minds of men rest solely in the hands of Almighty God. In such an environment, the Gospel of Jesus Christ can and will best thrive (Joshua 24:15; Proverbs 1:29-31; John 2:24-25; 16:30; Romans 12:18; I Corinthians 3:7; Galatians 6:10; II Timothy 2:24-26; Titus 3:2-7; Hebrews 12:13-14). 

(B). Whereas man is a created triune in the image of a triune God (Genesis 1:26-27, 9:6), and whereas believers are called to be set apart from the world and blameless in spirit, soul, and body (I Thessalonians 5:23), the same liberty of conscience affirmed in spiritual matters extends to the exercise of the human mind and matters related to the health, care, and stewardship of one’s own physical body. As jurisdiction, judgment, and the consequences for rejection of God’s Word in spiritual matters rest solely in the hands of Almighty God; so does jurisdiction, judgment, and consequences with regard to the thoughts and intents of the heart, the human mind (Matthew 5:22,28; Romans 2:16; Hebrews 4:12-13), and the stewardship of one’s body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and in service to the LORD, matters of personal health (I Corinthians 6:19-20; Galatians 6:17; I Timothy 4:7-9, 5:23). Human thought and the personal health are matters of conscience for God to judge, and again, this ministry holds firmly to the Baptist distinctive of liberty of conscience. We do not acknowledge or affirm any claim of human governments or human institutions to jurisdiction in these matters beyond the realm of advisement. All persons have a natural and inalienable right to worship and serve Almighty God in spirit, mind, and body according to the dictates of their own consciences, and no human authority shall, in any case whatever, mandate, control, or interfere with these rights of conscience. In such an environment: righteousness, sound reasoning, and bodily health will best thrive (Deuteronomy 4:5-8).

(C). Christians are not bound to obey any executive order, mandate, or law of a secular magistrate that infringes upon their conscience before God in spiritual matters, intellectual reasoning, or personal health. The Bible is clear: Let every Christian be fully persuaded in his own mind (Romans 14:5). Prove all things (I Thessalonians 5:21). Test the spirits (I John 4:1). Whatsoever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23). Abstain from even the appearance of evil (I Thessalonians 5:22). And, “whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossian 3:23). Therefore, we believe that a Christian should refuse to comply with any dictate, including public health mandates (e.g. masks, vaccines, lockdowns, etc.), that violates his conscience before the LORD (Acts 5:29).

the public proclamation of the gospel 

(A). We believe that the public proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a most effective New Testament approach to fulfilling the Great Commission and that such is plainly modeled throughout the Book of Acts, the earliest example of how the Great Commission of Jesus Christ was understood and faithfully carried out. Moreover, the clear command to publicly communicate the Lord’s message was given to numerous men throughout Scripture—Noah (II Peter 2:5), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 11:6), Ezekiel (Ezekiel 2:1-7), Isaiah (Isaiah 58), Jonah (Jonah 1:2); Peter and the other disciples (Mark 16:15), Paul (Acts 9:15; 23:11), and finally passed on to Timothy (II Timothy 4:2-5). Add to this countless other examples (e.g. Ezra, Stephen, Philip, and Jesus Christ), and one sees that there is more than sufficient authorization from God to motivate Bible-believing Christians to publicly “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet” (Isaiah 58:1). After all, Jesus said, “What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops” (Matthew 10:27). All believers are called to be public witnesses (Psalm 102:7, 116:10; Mark 16:15; II Corinthians 4:13; Colossians 4:6; I Peter 3:15).

(B). Because God’s Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11), we believe that the public preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is one of the best ways to get the Truth into the ears of as many people as possible in any given gathering place. Its immediate goals include the proclamation of salvation (I Corinthians 15:11; I John 1:3), the saving of souls (Romans 10:17; Acts 26:28-29), the stifling of sin (Psalm 119:130), and the strengthening of the soldiers of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:3-5; Ephesians 6:10; Philippians 1:29). It cannot and should not operate in and of itself but should embrace the ultimate goals of discipleship (Matthew 28:19-20) and church planting (Acts 14:23, 16:5).

(C). Finally, we believe that in these last days: when words have largely lost their meaning, Christian doctrine has been watered-down to accommodate political correctness, and men heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears (II Timothy 4:3-4), it behooves us to “Preach the world; be instant in season, out of season . . . watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry” (II Timothy 4:2,5). Where technologically advanced strategies, complex platforms, and user-friendly programs have failed, we believe that revisiting New Testament models (“house to house and publickly”—Acts 20:20) will prove effectual and demonstrate to a lost world that we actually believe what we preach and are willing to suffer scornful disdain for the sake of Jesus Christ and respond with rejoicing (Matthew 5:11-12; Luke 6:22-23; Acts 5:41; Philippians 1:29).

the message to be declared publicly

(A). The basic Christian message that we hope to proclaim publicly models that which the Apostle Paul proclaimed to the Greek pagans atop Mar’s Hill in Acts 17:22-34. God created the world and all life therein. He desires all human beings to worship Him, for in Him “we live, and move, and have our being.” Because we are the offspring of God, “we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.” There was a time when God winked at this ignorance, but now He calls all men to repent because “he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom he hath ordained.” That man is Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, who came to this earth and died for our sins on a cruel cross and was raised from the dead for our justification. He is the ONLY way to salvation, peace with God, and everlasting life. Through His shed blood, we have redemption by God’s grace through faith. Simply by trusting in the person of Jesus Christ, a man can thereby rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Being a Christian is not about religion, working one’s way to God. Rather, it is a way of life, a personal relationship with the very God who made the universe. Once the Lord comes into a man’s heart, he imparts his Holy Spirit, who in turn, changes the life of the newborn believer. Genuine believers then bear fruit unto righteousness, sharing the message of salvation with others. Their salvation cannot be lost, for they are sealed unto the day of redemption (Genesis 1:1; John 3:16; Acts 4:12, 20:20-21; Romans 5:1-5, 10:9-10, 13; II Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13, 4:30; Hebrews 11:3,6).

(B). We also believe that when preaching and/or communicating the Gospel publicly, it is pertinent to erect a foundation for salvation on the righteousness of Almighty God as revealed in the Law (Exodus 20:1-18; Deuteronomy 5:6-21). By comparing the righteousness of God with the unrighteousness of man, it at once becomes evident that mankind is desperately in need of a Saviour (Romans 3:20, 7:9-14; Galatians 3:24). Moreover, the nature of the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ necessitates preaching on hell, judgment, repentance, and flight from the wrath to come.

the nature of christian ministry

We believe that genuine Christian ministry is to be completely subservient to the final authority of the Bible (II Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12-13; Proverbs 30:5-6), rooted in the strategy of personal sacrifice (Matthew 10:8; Mark 10:42-45; Luke 6:38, 9:23, 14:26-35; Acts 20:35; II Corinthians 9:6), founded upon the platform of inevitable persecution and suffering for the cause of Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:11-12; Mark 8:35; Luke 6:26; John 15:18-20; Acts 5:41; Philippians 1:29; II Timothy 3:12; I Peter 2:19-23, 4:12-16; I John 3:13), focused upon obedience rather than results (I Corinthians 3:7; I Samuel 15:22; Galatians 6:9), and have as its ultimate goal the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8) and the planting of New Testament churches (Acts 14:23, 16:5).

the role of the local church

We believe that the active role of the local church is integral to effective New Testament ministry. Since a body can accomplish far more than a single hand, foot, or eye (I Corinthians 12:14-18), the undergirding support of local bodies of believers is important and necessary. Furthermore, the various gifts of the Holy Spirit work best when they work together (I Corinthians 12:27-30). This is unquestionably the model set forth in the Book of Acts (Acts 13:2-3; 14:26-28; 15:22-23). It is because of these convictions that it is necessary for all active members who labor directly within the framework of Full Proof Gospel Ministries to maintain a healthy and continuous personal relationship with a Bible-believing New Testament church. Moreover, the ministry itself, in and through its purpose, mission, and efforts, will seek to work and communicate with Bible-believing churches throughout all ministry endeavors so as to help facilitate our ultimate goals of discipleship and church-planting.

believer’s baptism

We believe that believer’s baptism by immersion is commanded and modeled in Scripture as the initial step of obedience following salvation by grace through faith, the answer of a good conscience toward God (I Peter 3:21). Following the Lord in believer’s baptism imparts no salvific guarantee (Mark 16:16; Luke 23:42-43; John 1:12-13; Acts 8:36-38, 13:38-39, 16:30-31; Romans 1:16-17, 3:24-28, 4:5, 5:1, 9, 10:9-10, 13, 17; I Corinthians 7:9-10; Ephesians 1:13, 2:8-9; I Corinthians 15; Colossians 1:14; II Timothy 3:15; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 7:25; I Peter 1:5; I John 5:11-13) but is commanded by God as a step of obedience and a vital aspect of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; I Peter 3:21). It is carried out as a public declaration and/or demonstration of the inward change imparted by faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ—burial of the old man and the raising of the new creature in Christ to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4). Those who profess faith in Jesus Christ and are unwilling to follow the Lord in believer’s baptism according to the Scriptures are disobedient Christians who, failing to obey God in little, are unlikely to obey him in much. Therefore, we believe that believer’s baptism should be offered and carried out as soon as possible after a man professes faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 8:36-39; 16:30-33). There is no Scriptural basis for probationary periods and/or the delaying of baptism.


We believe, as the Scriptures rhetorically admonish, that two cannot walk together accept they be agreed (Amos 3:3). Therefore, this ministry rejects the modern tendency toward ecumenical unity and will not carry out the work of the Gospel in active partnership with those who deny the fundamental truths we affirm. Full Proof Gospel Ministries will contemplate any open door for ministry (including, but not limited to, the accepting of invitations to preach and teach, the accepting of financial support voluntarily offered, the carrying out of unconditional benevolence for the sake of the Gospel, and/or the choosing of target areas for public proclamation), but will never invite support or partnership that will inevitably lead to compromise or the hushing of Scriptural truth we hold dear. Though unity in the Body of Christ is important and valuable, unity should never be pursued at the expense of truth, for the ends never justify the means. Moreover, separation from all forms of religious apostasy, sinful pleasures, worldly practices, and worldly associations is commanded by God (Romans 12:1-2, 14:13, 16:17-18; II Corinthians 6:14-17; II Thessalonians 3:6; I Timothy 6:3-5; II Timothy 3:1-5; I John 2:15-17; II John 1:9-11).


We believe that God created the heavens and the earth in six literal days (Exodus 20:11).  Therefore, we reject all theories of evolution, theistic evolution, public health guidance, and/or “oppositions of science falsely so called” that claim, presuppose, or assume otherwise (I Timothy 6:20-21).

human sexuality

(A). We believe that all intimate sexual activity outside the bond of marriage between a man and a woman is sinful and in opposition to the teachings of Holy Scripture. We also believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transgenderism, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and/or pornography is an abominable perversion of God’s gift of sexuality (Genesis 2:24, 19:5, 13, 26:8-9; Leviticus 18:1-30, 20:13; Romans 1:26-29, 31; I Corinthians 5:1, 6:9, 18; I Timothy 1:10; II Timothy 3:3; I Thessalonians 4:1-8; Hebrews 13:4).

(B). We believe that God created male and female with clear distinction and for His purposes (Genesis 1:27, 5:2). Sex and gender are inextricably tied to biology, and we affirm that all forms of transgenderism are an abominable sin against nature and a perversion of God’s created order (Romans 1:26-27).

(C). We believe that the only legitimate type of marriage is the joining of one man to one woman (Genesis 2:24; Romans 7:2; I Corinthians 7:10; Ephesians 5:22-23).

(D). We believe that men and women are spiritually equal in position before God, but God has ordained separate and distinct roles for men and women in the home and in the church. The husband is to be the spiritual leader of the home, and men are to be the leaders (pastors and deacons) of the church. Accordingly, only men are legitimately eligible for licensure and ordination by the church. Women, on the other hand, are delivered from a sense of worthlessness in that God has specially ordained them to guide the house, raise up a godly heritage, exercise hospitality, and diligently follow every good work as they submit to male leadership in the home, the church, and the ministry of the Gospel. With regard to male leadership, it is never to be exercised with a domineering spirit and/or without compassion and honor (I Corinthians 14:34-35; Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 5:25; Colossians 3:18-19; I Timothy 2:8-15, 3:1-5, 12, 5:10,14; I Peter 3:7).


We believe the human life begins at conception and that the unborn child is a living human being. Abortion constitutes the unjustified and unexcused taking of unborn human life. Abortion is infanticide; abortion is murder. We reject any teaching that abortions of pregnancies due to rape, incest, birth defects, gender selection, birth control, or the psychological well-being of the mother are acceptable (Exodus 20:131 21:22-25; Job 3:16; Psalm 51:5, 139:14-16; Isaiah 44:24, 49:1; Jeremiah 1:5, 20:15-18; Luke 1:44).

lawsuits between believers

We believe that Christians are prohibited in Scripture from bringing civil lawsuits against other Christians or the church so as to resolve personal disputes. We believe that the church and/or this ministry possesses all the resources necessary to resolve personal disputes between its laborers and/or supporters. We do believe, on the other hand, that this ministry or another Christian can seek compensation from another’s insurance company for damages incurred, so long as the claim is pursued without malice or slander (I Corinthians 6:1-8; Ephesians 4:31-32).

israel & the church

(A). We believe that the promises made to the nation of Israel in the Old Testament, being unconditional, will be fulfilled and carried out by Almighty God as promised. In other words, what God promised to Israel , he most certainly will deliver (Romans 9-11). The Church is not a spiritual replacement for Israel, neither should Old Testament covenantal promises be allegorically interpreted and/or applied. The Church, rather than supplanting Israel, is a special program in God’s plan for the ages that involves the coming together of both Jews and Gentiles into the Body of Jesus Christ by grace through faith in the glorious Gospel of the Blessed God (Romans 11:25; Ephesians 3:3-6; Colossians 1:26-28). Once God has finished building his church, thus removing it from the wrath to come (I Thessalonians 1:10), he shall again turn to his covenant people (i.e. the Jews), drawing out a remnant to be his witnesses during the Tribulation (Revelation 7). Upon the return of the Lord Jesus Christ at his Second Advent, the Jews will recognize Jesus as their Messiah, and there shall be national reconciliation between the Lord and his people (Romans 11:25-27). The Jews are still God’s chosen people (I Samuel 12:22; Jeremiah 30:11; Romans 11:28-29), for the Lord does not change concerning his promises (Malachi 3:6). Through the Jewish people, Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, came; and through the Jewish people, God gave the Holy Scriptures to mankind.

(B). Though they are, in the Hebrew Scripture’s own terms, a “stiffnecked” and “stubborn” people, having presently rejected Jesus Christ, their promised Messiah, God has not abandoned the Jewish people. To teach otherwise is unbiblical, ungodly, racist, and anti-Semitic. We believe that God’s declaration in Genesis 12:3 is full, final, and perpetually applicable. Therefore, Full Proof Gospel Ministries, in and through its mission and existence, purposes to honor God’s chosen people by diligently seeking opportunities to sow seeds of the Gospel of Jesus Christ amongst Jewish people. Moreover, because God unconditionally gave the land of Canaan for a possession to the descendants of Abraham forever (Genesis 12:7, 13:15; Numbers 34:2; Psalm 105:9-11), we fully support Israel as a nation and a political entity with a legitimate right to ownership of their land.


We believe that hell awaits all who die without the salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ (John 8:24; Acts 4:12). Hell is a literal place of fiery eternal torment whereby lost souls will die a spiritual death and suffer for all eternity as just payment for their sins and iniquity, completely separated from Almighty God (Psalm 9:17; Isaiah 66:24; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 10:28; Mark 9:43-48; Luke 12:5, 16:20-31; Jude 13; Revelation 20:13-15, 21:8). Doctrines of annihilation, purgatory, and second chances for salvation after death are unbiblical, ungodly, and perverted doctrines of devils. The fact and nature of eternal punishment in hell should invoke a passion for the lost and thereby constrain the Christian to boldly preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ without compromise (II Corinthians 5:11; I John 4:17).

human government

(A). Human government was instituted by God for the primary purpose of restraining evil in a world tainted by sin. It is to be a minister a righteousness, punishing evil and rewarding good (Romans 13:3-4). Moreover, those that rule in the governments of men “must be just, ruling in the fear of God” (II Samuel 23:3). God’s Law given to Israel for the administration of her civil government is a paragon for righteous government that restrains evil and rewards good. It is wisdom and understanding “in the sight of the nations” (Deuteronomy 4:6). We make no apology for any precept, commandment, prohibition, or punishment prescribed in God’s Law given to Israel, and we believe the problems of government and society are best solved in consideration of these prescriptions. Christians are not under the Law of God; they are under grace in and through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 6:14). Notwithstanding, the Law of God is holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12). Governments should look to it and confess: “And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law” (Deuteronomy 4:8).

(B). We believe that Christians, for conscience sake, are to submit themselves to human government as it fulfills its God-ordained role, restraining evil and rewarding righteousness (Romans 13:1-5; I Peter 2:13-17). However, we reject the notion that Scripture teaches unlimited obedience to the state. Christians must not obey the state in matters that violate one’s conscience before the LORD and with regard to laws and mandates that reward what God calls evil while restraining the things God declares to be good (i.e. doing justly, loving mercy and walking humbly before God, see Micah 6:8). Any government, including the United States, that justifies the wicked while condemning the just, is an abomination in the eyes of the LORD (Proverbs 17:15). Woe unto such a government, be it national, state, or local (Isaiah 5:22-23). Such as these should people curse and other nations abhor (Proverbs 24:23-24). 

(C). When a higher ranking civil authority makes immoral or unjust law, policy, or court opinion, the lower or lesser ranking civil authority has both the God-given right and the duty not to obey, and if necessary, to actively resist the superior authority. For God established human government to punish evil and reward good (Romans 13:3-4, I Peter 2:14), NOT to punish good and reward evil. Those lesser magistrates who comply with the carrying out of an immoral or unjust law or mandate are guilty before the LORD. 

(D). Under the Constitution of the United States of America, the people are set forth as lesser magistrates (Preamble, the Tenth Amendment). Therefore, the doctrine of the lesser magistrates as defined above applies to citizens of the United States who possess a role and authority not found in other nations of the world. We believe that to comply with unjust and immoral laws, mandates, government policies, or court opinions is to fail in our lawful duty as lesser magistrates under the United States Constitution and our corresponding Constitution of the State of North Carolina (Article I, Section 2). To fail as lesser magistrates in standing against evil is to bring reproach upon the name of the LORD.

(F). The testimony of Israel as revealed in the Holy Scriptures clearly demonstrates that neither God nor His prophets acknowledge or respect illegitimate usurpers who assume power and authority illegitimately or through fraud, deception, and wicked devices (Hosea 1:1). As a case in point, we do not acknowledge or respect Joseph Biden, Jr. as legitimately elected to the Office of the President of the United States of America on November 3, 2020.

(G). We confess and affirm the example of the three Hebrew children in their defiance of an unjust mandate of human government (Daniel 3:14-18). Moreover, we repeat the sentiments of the Reformer John Calvin regarding these verses in his commentary on the Book of Daniel: “For earthly princes lay aside their power when they rise up against God, and are unworthy to be reckoned among the number of mankind. We ought, rather, to spit upon their heads than to obey them."