a reminder of HIS grace
From the North Woods into the Great Plains
Blessings, dearly beloved brethren, in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord, God manifest in the flesh who was crucified for our sins and raised again from the dead for our justification.
Today is Friday, October 10, and I am writing from a quaint farmhouse just outside the small community of Greenbush in northwestern Minnesota. Yesterday morning (Thursday, October 9), we left Warroad much later than we had planned—another failure to wake up with the alarm clock. So, instead of mounting the bicycle at 7:00am, it was 11:00am. Needless to say, there was frustration in the air. Once again, we had nice 70-degree weather with clear skies, but the headwind was nasty. As I began pedaling west on Highway 11, the transition from North Woods to Great Plains happened quick. There is little to block the wind out here, and I shudder to think about what winter might bring. Nevertheless, we press on, “for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day” (II Timothy 1:12).
Enroute to Rosseau, the next town, the Lord gave me a great reminder of His grace at a time when I really needed such a reminder. Lying on the side of the highway was a cross someone had constructed with two solid sticks and some string. Oh, the cross: “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” (Galatians 6:14). I picked up this reminder and attached it to one of my bicycle panniers so that it would be clearly visible to all passersby. Little did I know at the time, this symbol of God’s grace would play a prominent role in bringing about our Heavenly Father’s provision.
Rosseau, 20 miles from Warroad, was our first rendezvous point, but as I pedaled into town, I heard a loud snap, and the bike began to wobble. For the third time on this journey, one of my spokes snapped. So, I had to spend a good hour doing some repair work. Frustrating, yes, but I had a strange sense that this delay would prove the truth of Romans 8:28. After fixing the wheel and wolfing down some lunch on our truck’s tailgate, we again headed west, not knowing where we would be stopping and/or camping for the night. North Dakota was out of the question; it was still a good 80 miles away, and the afternoon was waning. So, Jamie and I began to pray that the Lord would send some Christian stranger that would open up their home to us. In fact, we had been praying this separately all morning.
The next rendezvous point was Badger, Minnesota, a small community about 15 miles down the road. As I pedaled up, Jamie was parked in a gas station parking lot. She needed to pick up a few groceries and insisted that I accompany her inside. I was adamant, however, that I just wanted to sit in one of our camping chairs and bask in the afternoon sun. She consented and went inside. Not five minutes later, a lady pulled up beside me and said “Peace.” I immediately wondered, “What in this world is this all about?” She cleared things up quickly by remarking that she too was a “Jesus Freak.” To make a long story short, she said that she had seen me pedaling earlier in the day while taking a handicapped young man into town for some household supplies. This young man, she claimed, is very bitter toward God, the Gospel, and the world in general because of his condition. However, the cross attached to my bicycle pannier apparently made an impact upon him, and his attitude seemed to completely change for the day. This cross, coupled with the “Jesus Saves” flag, also pricked this woman’s heart. When she passed me a second time, sitting in the gas station parking lot, she said that the Holy Spirit plainly convicted her to turn around and go talk to me. Our conversation ultimately resulted in her inviting us to her farm for the night. All praise to God! He specifically answered our prayers. It is simply amazing how God works in the hearts of people.
All of a sudden, the late start, the broken spoke, and the roadside cross made perfect sense. All things worked together for good so that we were in the right place at the right time. The spiritual encouragement was overwhelming. In fact, Wende was so confident that the Lord had spoken to her that she sent us with directions out to her home ourselves even though she had some errands to attend to (people don’t lock their doors around here, and they rarely take their car keys out of the ignition). This quaint farmhouse was only 8 miles northwest and virtually on our way. As I pedaled up, her husband had just come home from work. He immediately welcomed us into his abode, and we spent a relaxing evening enjoying the sweetness of Christian fellowship. The farm is a wonderful place—horses, dogs, wide open land, and a beautiful full moon that makes the night almost seem like the day. This morning, we awoke with every intention of continuing the ride. However, there was a note left for us on the kitchen table (both Tim and Wende had left for work) expressing what a blessing it would be if we would stay another day. Being a blessing and a spiritual encouragement to the edification of fellow believers is one of the main motivations of this journey, so the decision was made. We would stay another day.
Since, I went for a jog, Jamie has been cross-stitching, and we wait for the Wehner’s to get home from work. I am hoping that we can go for a horseback ride later. Now, here is the IRONIC part. Tim and Wende Wehner are devout ROMAN CATHOLICS. In one of the previous emails, I relayed the hostile encounter I had with that Roman Catholic man in Ely while attempting to share the Gospel with him. Proceeding from this recap, I stated my conviction that there do exist born-again Catholics, but they are few. Moreover, such are saved in SPITE of the their religion and not because of it. Roman Catholicism preaches and teaches a perverted and unbiblical Gospel, and the history of the RCC gives clear meaning to Revelation 17. Nevertheless, there are those under the authority of “Mother Church” who have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Why these often continue in such company, I am unable to understand. But, what I do fully comprehend is that the Wehner’s truly love the Lord and understand clearly that their salvation is rooted in grace through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ the Lord. Our conversations have clearly confirmed this. Our fellowship has truly been sweet, and their staunch pro-life convictions have been a refreshing topic of conversation. Tim said something that has stuck with me regarding this issue: “It is GOD’S CHOICE that matters, and not ours.”
Anyway, these kind folks practically begged us to stay another day because they were so blessed by our presence. We were more than happy to concur, for the blessing was mutual. Please pray that God can use us in some way to facilitate spiritual growth in the lives of these fellow believers. Also, pray that God, will bring them out from under the influence of the false teachings and false traditions of the institution who has been responsible for the butchering of more Bible-believing Christians throughout history than Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Nero, Ivan the Terrible, the Ottoman Turks, and Fidel Castro put together (at least 50,000,000 between A.D. 500 and 1500 alone). After all, the Lord eventually did this with Bob Cronin (that faithful street preacher we met in Washington, D.C.) and since (i.e. for the past 17 years), he has been a faithful frontline soldier for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ every Saturday morning on the streets of our nation’s capital. May Jamie and I be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16), always keeping in mind that the Almighty has a purpose in this encounter. After all, He answered our prayers for provision specifically AND clearly convicted Wende to turn her car around and come talk to me. “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” (Romans 11:33). All praise to God; All praise to God!
Enjoying the hospitality of the Wehner Family
Aside from all that I have thus far described, the Lord also gave Jamie a couple of opportunities to share the Gospel yesterday (Thursday)—a lady working at Hardees (Jamie “mistakenly” pulled the truck into the drive-thru lane while trying to turn around and was unable to back out—a divine “mistake”?), and a gas station attendant. Also, the nagging headwind allowed for many motorists to encounter “Jesus Saves,” clearly unfurled on my Christian flag. May the Word of the Lord not return void. Well, I better go. I am uncertain as to when I will find internet access, thus allowing me to email this report to you all. All of your continued prayers are coveted.
Grace be with you all.
Jesse & Jamie Boyd
Full Proof Gospel Ministries
Matthew 19:29