from surf city to raleigh
We made it to my grandparents’ home in Raleigh, North Carolina
Dearest Family, Friends, and Partners in the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
We are still in Raleigh, NC and some mechanical difficulties have arisen that are delaying our progress. At least this is how things appear from a human perspective. However, the Holy Word of God makes it plain that our thoughts are not God's thoughts and our ways are not his ways--his thoughts and ways are much higher (Isaiah 55:8). Moreover, tribulation works patience, patience works experience, and experience works hope (Romans 5:3-4); and all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).
Despite some delays, last week was truly a blessing and an adventure. We started near Wilmington, NC on Sunday morning. The atmosphere was not right for actual preaching, so we walked up and down the beach with a big sign proclaiming the truth of I Timothy 2:5. We also personally approached numerous people lounging on the beach so as to share what we were beginning to do and why. As a result, many Gospel tracts went out, and we know that the truth of God's Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11). We had a good conversation with a construction worker from Raleigh named Kevin. Pray that God will open his eyes to a true understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ--the sacrificial yielding of one's life to Jesus Christ by grace through faith unto everlasting life, not going to church and "never really hurting anybody."
From Surf City, I began the bike ride, pedaling 46 miles to a trailer somewhere in Duplin County that a pastor friend of mine agreed to let us use. As it turned out, this trailer was a true blessing (thanks again Terry and Linda)--shelter from some of the most tempestuous downpour that I have seen in a long time. Enroute to the trailer, Jamie and I got separated and lost. I got caught pedaling in two severe thunderstorms, and Jamie never could find the trailer. In each of our respective adventures, God provided protection and guidance at just the right moment, demonstrating from the "get-go" that we would have to trust him on this journey. My protection came in the form of a front porch, and later, a closed-down restaurant. Jamie's came in the form of some kindhearted people that guided her to the trailer and helped her search for me out in the thunder and lightning. Once the dangerous lightning finally ceased, I left the abandoned restaurant and went looking for the trailer. I never could find it--only one that looked like the description I was given. As it turned out, I was at the wrong trailer trying to find the key and get inside when two young men drove up. They thought I was trying to break in, but then discovered otherwise when I told my story. They invited me in, let me use their phone to call Jamie, and inquired about why I was riding across the country. The two brothers insisted that I let them take my picture because, as they said, it was rare that they met folks like me doing “crazy stuff” like biking across the United States. At this point, I had already begun to think I was crazy and wonder what I had gotten myself into. After sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with these two young men, Greg expressed astonishment because of a dream he said he experienced a couple of weeks before. In this dream, he said that he woke up in hell and it scared him to death. Since, he had been pondering this fate and wondering about how to escape it. I was amazed and told him that maybe God gave him the dream to show him how real and horrible hell is and then sent me to show him the way to escape it (John 14:6). He made know decision to follow Christ that moment, but his ears were open and seeds were planted. From this and other seemingly "accidental happenchance" experiences throughout this first day, God taught me one important lesson--NOTHING HAPPENS BY ACCIDENT! AND, WE MUST TRUST HIM TO PROTECT US. At the end of that first day, God answered our prayers and brought us back together. We were then able to share our respective adventures with one another. God provided safety from the storm, shelter, friendly folks to point us in the right direction, and abundant opportunities to share the blessed Gospel of Jesus Christ. AND THIS WAS JUST THE FIRST DAY!
I guess I could go on, but it would require pages and pages. I will therefore proceed succinctly: The second day, we had to hunker down at the trailer because of the rain. We were also able to spend some time with two new friends from Chinquapin we met during the fiasco of the previous day. The fellowship was sweet. On Tuesday (7/15/2003), I biked about 55 miles to Pikeville, NC. This was the glorious day that the soul of David Anderson partook of the living waters of eternal life by grace through faith. We are still on a spiritual high about this seemingly "happenchance" encounter. Please pray that God will put the right people in his life to disciple him in the meat of the Holy Scriptures. Fortunately, he has a saved grandmother that had been urging him to give his life to Christ for quite some time. Tuesday night, we drove to Rocky Mount, NC and crashed with my cousins.
On Wednesday, I hoped to do some street preaching in Rocky Mount, but the entire city seemed dead. Downtown was empty, the parks were empty, everything seemed empty--God's will. Nonetheless, He gave us a young waitress in a downtown cafe to whom we unashamedly proclaimed the Gospel. Such encounters are every bit as important as preaching on the street corners. She listened attentively, and I pray that God's Word will not return void in her life. That night, we visited a little Baptist Church outside Rocky Mount. The people there did not know us from Adam, yet the pastor asked me to give a testimony, and the church took up a love offering. God's blessings are abundant and unexpected.
On Thursday, we headed back to Pikeville, and I biked 64 miles to Wake Forest--our first home as a married couple. It was nice to revisit some old friends and call to remembrance other times of God's handiwork in our lives. Friday was extremely hot, but only 22 miles lay ahead. I biked to US Hwy. 15 just south of Creedmoor, NC where my pedaling route has now come to a pause.
The adventures and blessings are abundant. I could say much more and will be able to say much more in the future. Please remember to pray that we speak boldly in the name of Jesus Christ the next several days.
Until then and thereafter, we are most respectfully and affectionately yours for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Jesse and Jamie Boyd
Full Proof Gospel Ministries/Coast to Coast 2003
Mark 16:15