one-way and out-of-the-way
12 miles One-Way and 24 miles OUT OF THE WAY isn’t such a big deal when it is along the gorgeous shore of Lake Superior, especially at sunset.
Greetings to all in the name of the precious Saviour and Christ, Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He changeth not.
I am penning this brief from a public library in downtown Iron River, Wisconsin. The facility is actually closed, but this kind lady let us come inside to use the computers anyway. Last night, after the email from Washburn, I pedaled up Hwy. 13 another 12 miles north. However, expensive campgrounds and a lot of nasty road construction that would result in long detours made us decide to drive back down to Hwy. 2 where I had turned north on Hwy. 13—the busier, less scenic route I mentioned yesterday. Hwy. 2 in Ashland is where I planned to resume this day.
So, I pedaled 12 miles ONE-WAY and, therefore, 24 miles OUT-OF-THE-WAY only to resume this morning from the same spot where I left yesterday. Was it a waste of time up to Bayfield and back on Hwy 13? God forbid. Several people received Gospel tracts, and if anything, the ride was pleasant and scenic. So then, if it wasn’t a waste of time, it wasn’t really out-of-the-way.
It was good to do 60 total miles yesterday so as to prepare me for the last leg into Duluth today. We found a secluded community park alongside a lagoon and camped there. Last night, we ate a pot of macaroni and cheese with chili mixed in, enjoyed a warm campfire, and hit the sack in the back of the truck. It rained most of the night and was pretty cold. When I would wake, I would persistently pray that the Lord would stop the cold rain so that I could pedal the last leg today in decent weather. Finally, around 7:30am, it ceased. Not having had a shower, we packed everything up, grabbed some breakfast, and I prepared the bicycle. It started to rain again, but only briefly. I waited the rain shower out at a rest area alongside Lake Superior. Then, in the cold morning air, the pedaling began. Not too much later, the sun peaked out, and the weather warmed up. Now, it is very pleasant. I pray that it holds.
Nothing "spectacular" in the area of ministry has happened today. A few Gospel tracts have gone out. I yearn to preach on the street corners again, but this journey is not about me or how many cities "I" preach in. It is about the Word of God going forth across America in a public way. Even something as simple as placing a Gospel tract in someone's hand can yield amazing spiritual fruit, even unto everlasting life.
Well, I gotta run because I have about 30 miles to go. Lord willing, we will cross into Minnesota, be on the streets of Duluth tomorrow, and then be up in Ely by tomorrow night. There, we will rest for a couple days and wait out this snow storm that is supposedly coming.
If time and circumstances allow, we may go out to Isle Royale National Park, a place of great solitude, so as to seek the Lord's face about the future of this ministry. Coast to Coast 2003 is only the first chapter, and we both believe that the Lord is beginning to speak within our hearts about the next step. Please pray with us as we seek His will every day. We both desire to have the willingness and determination to obey after the manner of Abraham in Genesis 12-13.
Well, that’s enough rambling. May everyone enjoy their weekend, and please look for opportunities to be a public witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember, if we deny Him, He also will deny us (II Timothy 2:12).
For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ,
Jesse & Jamie Boyd
Full Proof Gospel Ministries
Acts 16:31