a simple missions strategy


Much has transpired here in Kathmandu over the past 3 weeks as we have secured a place to live and have actively come alongside Bishnu Shrestha, FPGM's national partner, in the open-air preaching of the Gospel and mass distribution of Gospel tracts and Scripture portions.

The video footage posted below provides a few glimpses into the incredible open door that exists here and the hunger that people have for truth in a land wholly given to idolatry.  I pray this footage is a blessing to you, an answer to your prayers for us, and a prod that would enjoin you to go out and be bold with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your sphere of influence through whatever method the Lord has laid upon your heart.

As you might ascertain from this footage, the needs here, particularly for the printing of Scripture portions and Gospel tracts, is great.  As the Lord provides, we print.  Very soon, our translation work on the Gospel of Mark will be complete, and we shall endeavor to print 10,000 copies.  This year alone, we have already printed 30,000 Scripture portions and 25,000 Gospel tracts.  Nearly all of these have been distributed.  To God be the Glory.

2011, project jagernaFPGM