reaching the nations

Kapilbastu Outreach-4

I just received a fascinating ministry report from Brother Bishnu in pdf format. We praise God for the bold Great Commission work that is being done there in Nepal; and we thank Him for the provision of the Jeep that some of you helped Full Proof Gospel Ministries to purchase several months ago. As you can see from Bishnu's report, that vehicle has opened many ministry doors in remote areas and is being put to good use. Follow the link below to read Bishnu's words of testimony (remember that English is his second language). What a great opportunity it is for us to come alongside national partners and undergird the work at the ends of the earth. Reaching the nations--our primary objective in these last days:

REACHING THE NATIONS, by Bishnu Shrestha (September 8, 2013)

2013, ends of the earthFPGM