christian is a BIBLE WORD

The first Christians preached the Word, and they preached it loud enough to turn the world upside down (Acts 11:19; 17:6).

The first Christians preached the Word, and they preached it loud enough to turn the world upside down (Acts 11:19; 17:6).

These days, so many in America claim: "I am a Christian, but the Bible was just written by men and I don't believe everything it has to say." My friends, how can this be? "Christian" is a BIBLE word first found in the BIBLE; and the first people accused of being Christians were those who carried the Word of God, preached the Word of God, and were not ashamed of the Word of God (Acts 11:19-26). In God's dictionary, there is no such thing as a Christian who does not believe the Bible.

Recently, I had the privilege of preaching a message concerning the believers at Antioch first accused of being Christians. 'Twas the evening of September 20, 2015 at Living Word Baptist Church in Creedmoor, NC (my original sending church and the first supporters of FPGM), and what the Lord laid upon my heart to speak was merely a follow-up to that morning's powerful message delivered by Pastor James Roy, one of FPGM's national partners from Bangladesh.

I encourage you to listen, for in this message, you will not only be updated on recent happenings along the Full Proof Gospel Ministries front, but you will be presented with a very important question worthy of self-examination:

You my SAY you are a Christian; you may IDENTIFY yourself as being a CHRISTIAN; but can the world rightly ACCUSE you of being a Christian?

Here is the link:

Christian is a Bible Word

For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus the Christ,

Jesse Boyd, President
Full Proof Gospel Ministries
