thank you

Your financial support will be used to help make the Gospel of Jesus Christ an unavoidable issue for as many people as possible all around the world and just around the corner. FPGM is a non-profit organization. UPON REQUEST, we are happy to provide contributors with a contributions receipt for aggregate donations made during any calendar year. These receipts will be provided after the end of said calendar year and before the normal due date for filing annual tax returns. If you would like such a receipt, please let us know via the email address listed to the right.  Also, if you failed to include your mailing address in the online contribution process, please email it to us along with the aforementioned request so that a receipt can't be properly addressed.

Please remember that all contributions made to specific funds or otherwise designated shall remain subject to the exclusive control and discretion of FPGM’s Trustees and Board of Directors. No fiduciary obligation shall be created by any designated contribution made to the ministry other than to use the contribution for the general furtherance of any of our specific ministry objectives as outlined below:


Again, we are most grateful for your support. May the Lord return the blessing to you tenfold, no, an hundredfold (Luke 6:38). Please keep our ministry in your prayers.