a nation rotten at heart
This open-air message was preached by Jesse Boyd from the sidewalk outside an abortion mill near Hebron Street in Charlotte, North Carolina on January 22, 2011. Thankfully, this mill is now closed.
“No prosperity and no glory can save a nation that is rotten at heart” (Teddy Roosevelt).
My friends, I'm not going to stand here today, call out to you, and play upon your distorted view of victimhood. I am not here to try to “win you over” through flattering speech or by pleading or imploring with you. No, I am here today to declare unto you the righteousness of Almighty God your Maker. For in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the righteousness of God revealed. And, my friends, one side of that Gospel is undoubtedly the redemption of man. But man's redemption is only available, only possible, because God punished the sins of the world upon the shoulders of His only-begotten Son.
This cross we have out here today is a visible reminder of the love of God toward mankind in Christ the Messiah. But, it is also a very visible declaration of the wrath of God upon sin. Whoever you are inside that building … whether you are a mother contemplating the murder of your child; or whether you are one of the “escorts” who can't get a job somewhere else; or maybe you are the filthy, wicked, and abominable doctor inside who lusts after the blood of unborn babies like a vampire … You need to open your eyes and take your fingers out of your ears. You need to wake up to the fact that God is real, and His judgment cometh swiftly. When it comes, be it today or a thousand years from now, it comes swiftly.
The rich and the poor, they go to the same place—to the grave. And all who go to the grave will stand before their Maker in judgment. And WITCH DOCTOR, you inside that “clinic,” WITCH DOCTOR: You are most assuredly going to stand before God and give an account for every singe unborn child that you have butchered and chopped up in the womb. DEATHSCORT: You re going to stand before God for turning a blind eye to injustice, for being an accomplice to murder. And MOTHER: you are not a victim! I don't care what anybody has told you. You are not a victim unless you are an under-aged child who is being physically forced to have an abortion by wicked parents. You are not a victim unless you are being carrying to the “operating table” against your physical strength and your physical will by those who overpower you PHYSICALLY.
You are not a victim. If you go through with this decision you're a murderer. Excepting such things, you are already a murderer in God's eyes. For God sees our hatred as murder. That's what Jesus said, and no, I'm not minimizing murder. I'm MAXIMIZING hatred.
I don't care what you may have been told. You have a mind. You have the ability to make reasonable choices. You are going to choose to do what's wrong. And don't use the excuse that you are being deceived. Yes, these people are trying to deceive you. They want you to believe that this procedure is safe. They want you to believe that it wil not affect you emotionally or physically. They want you to believe that what is inside of you is not a human being. But being deceived will not be an excuse for you on the Day of Judgment. It won't be an excuse, for Almighty God your Maker gave you a conscience. And my friend, your conscience bears witness clearly to what is right and what is wrong.
God's law says “Thou shalt not kill.” Yes, times have changed, but God says “Thou shalt not kill!” And these unborn ones who are carried like lambs to the slaughter, whose lives are poured out like water … you can rest assured that the Maker of heaven and earth, the Almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, all-powerful Creator, will avenge the blood their blood.
If you are a dad who came here today and dropped your girlfriend off, who just let her go through with this because YOU are too much of a coward to stand up and say “No,” too much of a coward to sacrifice your own pleasures so that you can provide for your family and raise your child in a home in which that child is provided for, then SHAME ON YOU. You may be a tough man, you may be from the streaks of the herd, or maybe you just think you are tough, but you are in trust a COWARD. And guess what? Cowardice is a sin. The cowards are the first in line for the Lake of Fire. Go read Revelation 21:8. It's the fearful and cowardly who are cast into Hell, along with the murders, and the fornicators, and the adulterers, and all the liars, and the homosexuals and the sexually perverted, and all of these other things that God hates.
I am not out here today to judge you, I am not a judge. I don't know your heart, but God does. I am simply relaying to you what God hath declared. Thus, you have no excuse. In fact, the God of the Bible whom I preach, the same God does love you. He loves you, and the proof is that He sent His Son to die for your sins. The proof is that if you humble yourself and come to Christ and receive this free gift of salvation, God will forgive you. That's a God of love. But, my foolish friends God is also God of holiness and mercy. He loves more than you. He loves righteousness. He loves life. He created life. He loves it. He loves purity. He loves holiness. loves his Bride, the Church. He loves His chosen, the people of Israel. He loves the little children. The Bible says,
“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14).
And because God loves, he must also hate. That is what most of these churches in this city won't tell you. That is what most of these simp pastors won't tell you. God’s love demands and necessitates that He must also hate. That is precisely why the sweet Psalmist of Israel declares:
“The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: Thou hatest all workers of iniquity” (Psalm 5:5).
You cannot have true love without hate. I'm not talking about fleshly, emotional hatred, selfish hate, I'm talking about RIGHTEOUS hatred, perfect hatred:
“I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies” (Psalm 139:22).
I love children. And my friends, because I love children, I hate what takes place in this building, this concentration camp. Because I love little babies, and the Lord has blessed me with three of my own, I despise what takes place behind those depressing brick walls. I despise it. I despise my country that thinks this Holocaust is okay and that it is an advanced form of medical care. Such is what they thought in Nazi Germany. In my opinion, America is no different than the Third Reich. There, wicked men burned Jews in the ovens, here they chop unborn babies to pieces. In Nazi Germany, the genocide was primarily limited to one people group and a few others. Here in America, it’s a free-for-all. Kill the babies, kill the babies, anyone, anywhere, anytime—our own people. Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, and Eichmann—as wicked as they were—didn’t sanction the slaughter of THEIR OWN PEOPLE, THEIR OWN POSTERITY. We do … and this is WORSE than Nazi Germany. They committed mass murder. We are committing mass murder AND the suicide of our own people.
Don't tell me this is about choice It's not about choice at all. Doctor, you wicked witch doctor, you heathen witch doctor inside this building: You got your cameras out here and you carry your gun, whatever, whoever you are that owns this building. You are disgusting, number one. Number two, it's never been about choice to you. It has never been about women's needs or healthcare. It is all about the MONEY to you.
The abortion industry thrives and exists upon the money that it robs from these women. You see, if it really was about women's rights, if this really was about protecting women, then these abortuaries would be 510(c)(3) non-profit organizations, and these “services” would be offered for free. But they're not for free. Oh no, they are not for free. We preachers may look stupid or sound stupid, but know what it's about with you folks. God knows your heart. God knows the truth, and you will give account.
Because God loves, He must also hate. You cannot have heat without cold; you cannot have cold without heat; you cannot have righteous love without righteous hatred. The Bible tells us exactly what God hates.
“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” (Proverbs 6:16-19).
Folks, I dare say that many of you in that building are guilty of every single one of these abominations that follow. What this industry does is a succinct summation of all of these evils rolled up into one.
God says he hates a PROUD LOOK. I have never met an abortion doctor who didn't have a proud look on his or her face. I've seen them march into the clinics in the morning with a smirk, as if they are providing some sort of virtuous service to mankind. God hates your proud look. I've seen the proud looks of these deathscorts, not escorts, who come out here to usher people in and snatch away the literature godly folks gifted them from outside the gate. That’s a proud look, and your Maker hates it.
God also hates a LYING TONGUE. Oh, there are plenty of lying tongues in that building and in every other Bergen-Belsen in this land. Plenty of lying tongues will wag to these women that the “procedure” is safe. Plenty of lying tongues will wag to these people that there is no human being inside of them, despite the FACT that life, scientifically speaking, is a CONTINUOUS thing that begins with conception. It is continuous until it is snuffed out. How can you say it's not a human being? That is a lying tongue, and the Lord hates it.
A proud look, a lying tongue, HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD … that sums up this wicked family reproductive health center on Hebron Street. It sums up the wicked center on Latrobe Avenue. It sums up that wicked abortuary in Asheville, the one in Winston-Salem, the one you refer people to in Atlanta for late-term abortions—all hands that shed innocent blood. In fact, it ought not say out here “Family reproductive health. Hablamos Espanol.” It ought to say on that sign, "Hands that shed innocent blood. Hablamos Espanol.” That would be a better more accurate sign because babies are murdered here. And trust me, my friend, God hates it.
Now, maybe He is not the God of your pastor, maybe He is not the God of your church, maybe He is not the God you claim to serve, you know, the god of this world, the evil one, Satan that old serpent. No, he certainly doesn't hate it, but the Creator God who is above all the gods of men, He indeed hates it and He will see justice done.
A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, A HEART THAT DEVISETH WICKED IMAGINATIONS … Abortion doctor, you can't do what you do unless your heart is filthy, wicked, and corrupt and devises wicked imaginations on a daily basis. The only way you could even be a part of this industry, this money-making, profiteering industry, is if you have a heart that devises wicked imaginations. You are like that crowd in Hollywood that puts all these films out which glorify violence and murder and horror, you have a heart that daily devises wickedness. Such is the only explanation for why you can be a part of something like this and sleep at night.
Mother, if you can walk in here with your nose in the air and no conscience and no remorse about what you're going to do to your baby, you've got a heart that devises wicked imaginations. And you see, the murder that takes place in this building: It’s not second-degree murder. It's not murder committed in an instance of temper flaring or in an instance of anger. This is premeditated murder. In God’s court, this is first-degree murder. You have a heart that devised and planned what takes place here today. It is premeditated murder, MURDER ONE in God's court.
A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, FEET THAT BE SWIFT IN RUNNING TO MISCHIEF … The feet of the abortion doctor, the feet of the worker in the clinic, the feet of those that promote abortion in this country, the lobbyists, they're so swift in running to mischief. Again, it's not about women, it's not about their health. It's not about choice. We know the dirty, little truth. It’s about the industry. It's about aborting and killing as many babies as we can. It's all part of the science of the globalist eugenicists who want to control world populations, who want to exert authority and control over everyone and every choice that people make. That is exactly what this is. It’s nothing but the vampire religion of the globalist eugenicists, and this abortion garbage is their evangelism. It’s their proselytization by the sword. It's is the proselyting of the globalist eugenicists who lust asnd salivate to control every aspect of every person's life. It is a vile a religion that hates God, that puts man in the place of God and that will give rise to that Man of Sin, that son of perdition, that Antichrist who will come, and to whom you will bow.
But alas, just as he will be cast alive into a lake of fire when Jesus Christ the King returns and sets up His Kingdom, so will this industry burn with His white-hot wrath. With God, justice is served. His justice is righteous. He is not like a judge who is bought with bribery. He is not like a judge who is corrupted by politics. He is not a judge who is a respecter of persons. He is righteous. In his court, you don't escape, and you can’t pay Him off.
A proud look, lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A FALSE WITNESS THAT SPEAKETH LIES … A lying tongue is with someone who tells lies for his own personal benefit. A false witness is one who lies about other people, who lies about someone else. I hear one of these doctors, or whoever owns this Treblinka, has some sort of “spiritual advisor” in there. What a joke! To put the words spiritual in the context of abortion, and to think that you're actually doing God's work … I mean that is like that False Prophet there in Revelation 13 who orders all people to worship the image of the beast. That's a false witness.
Hey, so-called spiritual advisor: I don't know if you are in there or not. Know this, YOU ARE WIIIIIIICKED. You don't know God. If you're telling these people they're doing God's work, then the god you serve is that great red dragon, that wicked serpent. You are a false witness that speaks his lies. You speak lies, not only about the God of the Bible, but also about the people out here who are out here trying to help these women. You speak lies about these godly ladies out here who want to help these mothers and who are willing to adopt these unborn children at no cost. You speak lies about everyone you hate. God hates that.
Now, for the last one here in Proverbs 6: God hates HE THAT SOWETH DISCORD AMONG BRETHREN. All this industry does is so discord amongst families. Discord in families, that's wicked! Discord in communities. Discord in a nation. Wicked as hell
These six things, yes, seven are in abomination in the eyes of God. And, you can consider yourself warned here today. Although prior to today, I'm convinced you have been warned many times. Yet alas, you are just like those wicked men of Sodom. You put your fingers in your ears and you glorify sin while the righteous are vexed day-to-day with this wickedness. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
God will judge the wicked. He that justifies the wicked and condemns the just, even they are an abomination to God.
“He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD” (Proverbs 17:15).
That means the people of this community, the people of this country who justify the wicked like you and your industry, while at the same time condemning what is righteous and holy, condemning the Bible, kicking prayer out of our schools, uplifting things that God hates, like homosexuality, all of these are in big trouble with the Lord. And yes, homosexuality is a sin. Abortion is a sin. And, sin leads to death.
I don't preach these things because I hate you. I don't hate you. I hate what you're doing in there, but I don't hate you. If I hated you, I’d just sit back like Jonah on that hilltop outside of Nineveh and wait for God to destroy you, hoping God would destroy you.
That fact is, I understand that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ which was shown in my life, a grace that I didn't deserve and yet is also available to the vilest of offenders. So, while there is breath in your body, there remains hope for you. Turn from your sin; repent of this wickedness. Mother, repent of the choice you are making if you haven't yet followed through with it. It's not too late to turn around and walk out that door. You are not bound by any law or any statute to stay inside that building. Those people inside that building are not your authority. They hold no legal authority over you. You are not bound by any law. Have some guts! Stand up. Do the right thing. Walk out that door, and God will honor it. There are people out here who will help you. There are people out here who will provide you a place to stay if you need it. There are people out here who will adopt your child at no cost to you and raise them in a godly home. These folks out here will adopt your baby. We love children.
It’s very sad. In this world, there are so many children, so many orphans who need to be adopted, but there is so much red tape in every country. Families who want to adopt them and raise them cannot do it. And you people working inside that clinic, you wicked people don't want these babies to be adopted. You want them to be murdered because you are monsters of iniquity. You are monsters of iniquity, and you feed off the bloodshed of innocent people. That is what you love. You are no different than Dr. Mingele and the Nazi SS who put the Jewish people into the gas chambers and performed medical experiments on them. You are no different than them. In fact, you are more damnable because you ought to know better, and you do it to your own people, your own posterity. History ought to have taught you better. Even sadder, this industry is not just profiteering; it's not just money-making; tt's a racist industry. This industry is so very racist. It is clearly seen in the disproportionate percentage of African American women who are convinced and pressured to murder the children. If you go back and look at the people who were instrumental in starting the abortion industry in this country, you'll find them to be racists of the highest order. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, openly boasted about abortion being the key to ridding American society of the “Negro population.” Now friends, that's wicked, that's disgusting. And it again proves what I said earlier: None of this is science or medical care. It is a vile religion of globalist eugenicists who lust o control every aspect of your lives. It's a false religion with Lucifer as its god, with the coming Antichrist as its king, with the False Prophet as its guru, and with the wicked hordes and minions of all that is worldly … parading their sins and their crimes before society, and numbing that society to the evil taking place.
So what's happening here is that babies are being murdered, and really, the answer is not protesting. I'm not a protester. I'm a preacher. That's why I came out here to tell you to repent and be born again. Now mother, if you decide to walk out that door and save your baby, then praise God. It is a good and noble choice to make. But, if you opt to save your baby and then just go on and continue living your life somewhere … maybe you will come back here tomorrow, or maybe you will just live your life devoid of God and live for yourself … the fact that you save your baby doesn't credit you anything. You have already committed murder in your heart if you have ever hated someone without cause. That is why you need a Messiah. That is why you need Jesus Christ. I'm not out here as a protester to preach morality to you today I am out here with this microphone as a preacher of the Gospel, to say unto you: Flee the wrath to come. Fall at the feet of Jesus Christ that you might have life. It doesn't matter what you've done. It doesn't matter what you have devised in your heart. If you will humble yourself before the LORD today, drawing nigh to Him, turning your back on the sin you have contemplated in your heart, crying out to Him, He can forgive you. He can wash you and make you clean, for the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on that cruel Roman cross can wash clean even the vilest of offenders.
Therein lies the great paradox of the Gospel, my friends. The great paradox is that in eternity, there will be mass murderers, there will be those who have engaged in genocide, there will be those who have committed the most heinous of crimes; and yet they were brought to a place of humility, they were brought to a place of repentance, casting all their faith upon the Lord Jesus Christ. And they, too, will rule and reign with the Messiah for all eternity. Then, there are going to be the little women, the little ladies who went to church every Sunday. There will be the humanitarians and the philanthropists who thought they were serving mankind. Many such will split the gates of Hell wide open because their god was their own belly, because their god was the god of this world. They played the religion game and lost.
What amazes me is that so many people that work in these clinics. I don't even like to call them clinics. They are extermination camps. So many people work in places like this who would claim to be Christians and who go to church on Sunday as if they haven't done anything wrong. That is disgusting! So no, I'm not on here to tickle your ego today. I'm out here as a preacher, not a protester, to call you to repentance.
Turn from this wicked stain on our nation! There are people out here who will help you. We are not just saying these things to condemn. We are not condemning you anyway. God has condemned this industry already when He said “Thou shalt not kill,” and that is written upon your conscience the very day you were born. No, we are out here warning you as those who love little children and those who truly love you, not as the world loves, but love as it is in truth. True love bids a warning doom to children who play in the freeway. Therefore, I bid you a warning doom because I love you.
Come out and be saved! Come out from among them, saith the Lord, and be ye separate. And I, He says, will make you clean. Come out. Repent. Believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified according to the Scriptures, who was buried, and who rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
But alas, if you will not hear, if you will not listen, know that God's judgment cometh. Teddy Roosevelt, one of our famous presidents, said, “No prosperity and no glory can save a nation that is rotten at heart.” This wicked industry here in America is proof-positive that our country, our nation, is ROTTEN AT HEART. No glory, no economy, no president, no political party, no congressional approval, no homosexual marriage, no abortion clinic, none of this, can fix a nation that is rotten at heart. What America needs is a purging, and trust me, that purging comes when King Jesus one day puts His foot back down on that Mount of Olives and reigns and rules over the whole world from Jerusalem. This wicked United States of America will fall and in that day, and where will you turn? Where were you run? Come to Christ while there is life. Come to the Messiah while three is hope. Come to Christ and be saved.
I hate what is going on in that building, and I'm going to preach with hellfire and brimstone. That is exactly what this country needs—hellfire and brimstone preaching, warning the wicked of the wrath to come, driving them to Christ. I'm going to warn you. I'm not going to mince words. If you will come out here, I'm going to love you enough to take you aside, show you in the Scriptures. I'm not going to kill you. I'm not going to beat you. That is what manmade religion does. Manmade religion, going all the way back to Cain, it’s father, has always been about, killing, war, and fighting. No, I'll take you aside and show you what the Scriptures say. I'll show you how you can be born again. I'll help you. We will help you. We will help you have that baby, provide for what you need. We will make sacrifices for you. Those people inside that building, mother, they don't care about you. As soon as you leave here, after you have that abortion and go back home, after you have all the emotional trauma distress that comes … do you think you can just walk back into this clinic and get help? No, they are gonna say: “Get out of here. You made your choice. You can’t blame us for your problems. Go on, get!”All I can say is repent and believe the Gospel. That is your only hope. It is your only escape from the wrath to come. If you refuse, even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.