a nation in a sea of nations (revelation 14:8)

This message was preached on May 14, 2017 at New Testament Christian Fellowship in Conover, North Carolina. This continues a discussion on Revelation 14:8, the second of three angelic messages broadcast in the snapshot of judgment, that which announces the fall of Babylon, the world system, the body politic. In the context of the Apostle Paul's reminders in I Corinthians 10:11 & Romans 15:4, the world system and the witness of God amidst this corruption is traced further (i.e. continuing where the previous messages left off), from the sons of Shem down to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and God's promise to raise up a nation in a sea of nations that had spread out from the plain of Shinar and had taken with them the spirit of Babel. In this sea of nations, God raises up a nation to be a witness amidst the world system as godly lines descended from one man had been his primary witnesses before the Flood and after the Flood up until the time of Abraham. In this message, attention is given to the ten "toledoths" of Genesis, the family tree of Abraham from his father Terah, the important truth of Deuteronomy 32:8-9, the five generational links between Adam and Moses, and the spirit of Babylon that has reared its ugly head down through the centuries in the form of Gentile world kingdoms. 

Revelation 14FPGM