WARNING: do not add (revelation 22:18)

This message was preached at New Testament Christian Fellowship in Claremont, NC on January 15, 2023, the 10-year anniversary of the beginning of this exegetical study in the Book of Revelation (see Introduction to Revelation, Part 1 preached on January 13, 2013). The focus of this message is the first half of the LAST WARNING found in the Bible, a dire warning: DO NOT ADD TO GOD’S WORD.

This grave warning appears at the beginning (Deuteronomy 4:2), the middle (Proverbs 30:5-6), and the end of the Bible. Modern English Bible versions have foolishly added to God’s Word. Those who elevate anything else to the table of authority upon which rests the Word of God are guilty of the same. Assigning religious tradition, church programs, superstition, papal decrees, the American flag, even the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the same level of authority as the Holy Scriptures is dangerous. It’s adding to God’s Special Revelation, the Written Word of God, and it invites very serious consequence.

Revelation 22FPGM