the land of organized chaos

Every lost one needs our Savior

Every lost one needs our Savior

Dear praying friends and families,

Greetings from the land of ORGANIZED CHAOS! Praise God for reconciling us back to Himself and for the privilege He has given us, who deserve to be destroyed, to preach the message of reconciliation as His ambassadors. Let's praise Him for His continuous faithfulness, and we would like to thank you for your continuous prayers and supports. We are blessed to partner with you as you are more blessed to be with us in this front-line ministry.

Bimu, Smeeta, Recon and I preached and give out 350 John's and 300 tracts last Tuesday. I preached for 2 hours and 15 minutes. There were a few contacts, and we are going to follow up with them. We have asked them to join the Bible study which God helped us to start last Sunday.

Praise to the Almighty: He provided for a solar panel system to light our nest and also to charge the batteries for the Hailer during acute power cut off. We praise God for this blessing and we thank you for your prayers. God is always good.

Here are some specific prayer needs:

  • God has given me another opportunity to train more than 100 pastors, leaders, and believers from 13 different churches down in Kapilbastu District. I'm going to bring 7000 John to distribute following the days of the training. Our strategy is to train and provide them with the materials for free to these poor churches so that they go back to their own areas and reach their own people with the Gospel. They have to make sure that every house of their area gets a John. I'm leaving on the 17th of September for 5 days. Please pray for safe trip. I just heard in the news that there were 25,000 road accidents over the last 3 years. Just yesterday, one bus fell from the cliff 500 meters down to the river on the way to Jumla, killing 28 precious souls on the spot. I clearly remember that I rather hiked that so-called road in my trip to Kalikot, Jumla, and Mugu in May of 2011. So please pray for God's help in the training and for our safe trip.

  • Please pray for a small tract of land for our mission centre in Kapilbastu. I'm going to look for another cheap one this time when I'll be down there.

  • Please pray for God's continuous provision for this ministry as well as for our family.

  • Please pray for our weekly Bible study, that God keeps giving us new souls to start a New Testament church in Kathmandu. I've started to teach from Genesis as a chronological study.

  • For continuous safe traveling and reaching all the villages and towns along the road, we would like to request prayer that God would provide a small vehicle for the team. Just today, one believer proposed me one such with high clearance and four wheel drive, an Indian made Gypsy. This thing is 17 years old and used by a major of the Nepal army. I'm wondering if this Gypsy works for carrying tracts with the team even in the dirt roads, freeing us to stop and preach wherever we want to. This will cost a lot of money, almost US$ 4500, but God's treasure is always more than enough for His children. We trust, if this is the Lord's will, then He'll provide the jeep for us.

  • Please pray for continuous printing of tracts and Bible portions. I'm writing a new tract on sacrifice, titled: "Eternal, Perfect and Complete Sacrifice." I'm about to complete it which will declare about the once for all sacrifice of the Creator Himself. Please pray that God gives me more wisdom while I edit it. We would like to print it before the nearing main festivals of Hindus when they sacrifice thousands of innocent animals every year.

Once again, thank you very much for your partnership in His ministry. God bless abundantly upon you, your family, job, and ministry.

Saved by Grace Bishnu, Bimu and the Team Kathmandu, Nepal

2012, project jagernaFPGM