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pray for the laborers in nepal

Below is word from Brother Bishnu in Nepal. The prayer request is serious. This preaching trip in the jeep we purchased for them a few months back will be risky during the monsoon season. Please lift these brothers up. If you folks in Catawba County thought the torrential rain and flooding we had a couple weeks ago was bad, that is par for the course in Nepal this time of year. Sometimes, you will have a village on a hillside one minute, the next minute it is gone--mudslide. At other times, village on the river one minute, gone the next--avalanche somewhere up in the mountains. These brothers are bold and are doing good work. They need our support and prayers. Here are Bishnu's words:

"Greetings from Himalaya in the Name of its Creator Almighty!

We trust that you all are doing well by God's grace. We would like to thank you for your continuous partnership with us to reach the unreached tribes and people of Nepal for the Lord. Now we would like to request you to pray for our upcoming trip to Arghakhachi, one of the remote and unreached districts of Nepal. We are a team of five from here in Kathmandu and five more will join us from Berea Bible Church, Kapilbastu. We are leaving in almost 9 hours in our jeep, and we covet your prayers for our outreaches. The monsoon in not over yet, but God has called us to GO. That's why we are going for the Lord and please pray that our trip would be fruitful and God would use us. Yes, we are going to open air preaching in Butwal, a business hub of the western part of the country. So we are going to carry our beloved Half-Mile Hailer and signs with bold messages to hit Butwal with the Gospel. Please pray that the Lord would go before us and prepare the hearts of the people, by breaking the bondages of Evil one so that people can see the truth and repent and believe upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our message will be, "Why will ye die, O Nepalis? For the Lord had paid all for you."

We are going out here in Kathmandu in this monsoon and God has given us many awesome opportunities. We'll let you know shortly about these and want to include the report of this upcoming trip to the west. Please pray for our safety in the road, boldness in the preaching and salvation of precious souls. We are planning to be back in 4 days.

We really appreciate your continuous prayers and supports and encouragements. Give our love, appreciation and thanks to your congregations as well. God bless you."

IN His field Bishnu and the team DSMA, Nepal