a rare thing

On June 22nd, a rare and glorious thing happened up here in Ladakh. A Ladakhi family (father, mother, and teenage son) cast off their Buddhism and gave their hearts to the Lord. We were blessed to be a part of baptizing these at a secret spot on the Indus River where we baptized a brother last Fall and where some Buddhist monks were secretly baptized into the faith years ago. Please pray for TT, CT, and TD as these move forward in their new walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and will undoubtedly face ostracism and persecution from family and friends. Praise God for faithful ambassadors of the Gospel who labored diligently in this dark and difficult place for many years and were never able to see much fruit. I think of one dear brother who spent nearly a decade in this place and sowed many seeds. If it weren't for him, I would never have come to Ladakh. If I hadn't come to Ladakh; Ricky would never have come to Ladakh. If it weren't for this brother who personally discipled the Ladakhi believers who were also involved in leading this family to the Lord, this would have never happened. Nomad Russ, this is your fruit. Thanks for many years of faithful service to the King of Kings at the uttermost corner of the earth.

Our 2015 Ladakh Volunteer Team is truly privileged to have been able to witness this event.

"Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him" (Acts 10:34-35).

Rejoice with us,

Jesse Boyd

2015, team yeshuaFPGM