In the 1970’s came the drifter-tourists. Having completed very tense Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conscriptions in very tense times, these individual nonconformists began reacting to the predictable status quo of Jewish life in a land surrounded by enemies who wanted to push them into the sea. They took a break and went trekking! Most of these early drifter-tourists came from the socio-economic center of Israeli life and were forced to travel on a shoestring budget. They went to places where it was cheap to subsist and where Jewish people could normally travel uninhibited and without fear of antisemitic retaliation. These pioneers unwittingly blazed trails in South Asia and South America, established popular itineraries, and forged bucket lists that would become popular, a predictable status quo in and of itself, for the Israeli trekkers who would come later.
Read MoreMuch has already happened in 2025, our 23rd straight year of Great Commission ministry and consistent Gospel testimony. The same message we preached in 2003 as I rode a bicycle across America is the same message we preached in 2023 on a long walk across America. It’s the same message we have preached in forty-six foreign countries and it will be the same message next month in #47 …
Read MoreTeam Yeshua 2019 has competed its work, and the volunteers have all returned home safely to their families. This group was younger than our previous ones, but it proved to be one of our best teams yet and one of the most hungry to learn. It was a great summer down here in Peru . . .
Read MoreTeam Yeshua has three weeks left, my family and I a little more than ten weeks; but soon, the entire season will be a tale that is told. Should we all be found faithful stewards of the Gospel, then the tale will have been, as we say in Spanish, valió la pena (i.e. worth the effort) with a guaranteed happy ending . . .
Read MoreOn May 31, 1970 at 3:23pm, the earth trembled in the Ancash and La Libertad Regions of Peru and the mountain town of Huaraz with its quaint Spanish colonial ambience, the place where we are currently based, was completely flattened. More than 95% of the regional capital was destroyed and 25,000 people living here perished. Today’s Huaraz retains little to none of its former ambience. The earthquake lasted a mere 45 seconds, and it is estimated that between 65-70,000 people died and approximately 50,000 were injured in Northern Peru . . .
Read MoreHistorically, the word colporter was used to reference those who labored to distribute the printed Word of God, those who traveled far and wide to give out the Bible to folks who didn’t have a copy for themselves. In earlier American history, the Baptist Colportage Board (extinct for many years) did a lot of good work on the frontiers and in the army camps of the Civil War . . .
Read MoreWe just returned from a quick road trip out to South Dakota and back for the wedding of two quality young people who have served as Team Yeshua volunteers in times past, both in South Asia and South America. It was a good time, and as we posed with the bride and groom during the reception alongside a hodgepodge of other former Team Yeshua volunteers, two words came to mind against a backdrop of joy: ONCE AGAIN . . .
Read MoreThe words of the late Keith Green posted above made a convicting impact on me many years ago as I wrestled with answering God’s call in my life to missions and my understanding of the Great Commission. Today, we still go into all the world, preaching the Gospel to both Jew and Gentile . . .
Read MoreOn his second missionary journey (Acts 15:40-18:22), the Apostle Paul purposed to go into Asia (i.e. western Turkey) after revisiting the cities and churches of Galatia. Such was a noble endeavor, but he was "forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia" (Acts 16:6). From there, his team ventured in obedience west into Europe, heeding the Macedonian Call . . .
Read MoreGreetings, beloved brethren, and whoever may stumble upon this post. It's already September, and the year has grown old. One day, time itself will end . . .
Read MoreGreetings from the Peruvian Andes. As I sit here penning this ministry update, I'm staring out the huge bay window of our apartment in Huaraz at the Cordillera Blanca and the double peak of Huascaran (22,205 ft.), the highest mountain in Peru. My soul sings Toda la gloria del Creador de estas montanas, gloria al Dios pos las opportunidades en esta lugar.
Read MoreThis year, I will be leading Team Yeshua. We are a smaller team made up of three young people from South Dakota, myself, and my oldest daughter. I'm excited because all involved have experience with this type of outreach and have already served with FPGM in some capacity.
Read MoreThe Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ was not a good suggestion, and it appears in the New Testament at least five times. Mark 16:15-16 is most succinct, the SCOPE & RESULTS of the Commission. Verse 15 is the church's responsibility; verse 16 is the Lord's problem.
Read MoreThroughout the summer, this question of eternal consequence confronted countless travelers across the Indian Himalaya. The Gospel tract that we most often distribute to trekkers and tourists bears this title. We have translated it into Hebrew for the Israelis and carry it in English for other nationalities . . .
Read MoreGreetings, dear brethren, in the Name of the One who is from everlasting to everlasting. As Moses penned by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit long ago: “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God” (Psalm 90:2) . . .
Read MoreAfter the ministry precedent set by Paul and Barnabas when they returned to Antioch following the First Missionary Journey (Acts 14:26-27), we desire to rehearse for you in this post all that God has done, particularly with our first summer volunteer team up in Ladakh (the work of mustering next summer's team has already begun), how He gave a door of utterance amongst the lost sheep of the House of Israel and yet also "opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles." This summer, with a solid group of young people who truly grew in their walk with the Lord, FPGM had the great privilege to taking the Gospel TO THE JEW FIRST AND ALSO TO THE GENTILE in the high places of the earth.
Read MoreOn June 22nd, a rare and glorious thing happened up here in Ladakh. A Ladakhi family (father, mother, and teenage son) cast off their Buddhism and gave their hearts to the Lord. We were blessed to be a part of baptizing these at a secret spot on the Indus River where we baptized a brother last Fall and where some Buddhist monks were secretly baptized into the faith years ago.
Read MoreAs I walk down the streets of these South Asian cities and towns, I see maddening chaos and so many bizarre scenes. It is hard to really paint a picture with words so you can understand what I am talking about, especially if you have never been to this part of the world yourself. What never ceases to amaze is the mindless commotion around every corner. There are some that claim the world is becoming a better place because of the advancements of technology. To them I can say nothing more than, “What? Are you blind?”
Read MoreI am very sorry that it has been so many moons since I have posted to FPGM's Travel Blog, or since you all have heard from me with regard to the recent and ongoing work in South Asia. Back on November 14th, my family and I safely returned from Delhi, and I immediately went to preach a four-day revival at my original sending church in Creedmoor, North Carolina. It was a good time, but needless to say, we finally arrived home exhausted; and it has taken some time to get back on some semblance of a schedule.
Read MoreGreetings in the name of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. We could really use your prayers right now as FPGM is on the verge of jumpstarting a long-term ministry to Israeli backpackers in Nepal. Sharing Christ with the Jewish people has become top priority as God prepares them for the Messiah’s return. As I perceived while laboring down in South America for the first six months of 2013, one of the greatest times to reach Israelis with the Gospel is during early adulthood when they are fresh out of conscripted military service and trying to figure out life.
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