out of state checks
“This generation of believers that you and me are a part of, we are responsible for this generation of souls, all over the world. We’re responsible for them. We’re responsible to pray daily for the needs of ministries around the world, and ask God “how about me not sending my money this time, how about me going?” It’s so easy to write checks, it’s so easy. But God can’t cash out of state checks in Heaven. He needs you!”
The words of the late Keith Green posted above made a convicting impact on me many years ago as I wrestled with answering God’s call in my life to missions and my understanding of the Great Commission. Today, we still go into all the world, preaching the Gospel to both Jew and Gentile.
Zerayim is in need of volunteers for Team Yeshua 2019 who are willing, instead of writing a check, to give up a whole summer for service to the Lord, reaching both Jew and Gentile with the Gospel in Huaraz, Peru. We need spiritually-grounded young folks (roughly 18-25 years old) who are more in love with the souls of men than with the prospect of a summer missions trip.
We need help, and as Keith said, “God can’t cash out of state checks in Heaven. He needs you!”
Contact us at seeds@fpgm.org for an application packet and/or more information.