Posts tagged latest testimony
the israeli backpacker phenomenon

In the 1970’s came the drifter-tourists. Having completed very tense Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conscriptions in very tense times, these individual nonconformists began reacting to the predictable status quo of Jewish life in a land surrounded by enemies who wanted to push them into the sea. They took a break and went trekking! Most of these early drifter-tourists came from the socio-economic center of Israeli life and were forced to travel on a shoestring budget. They went to places where it was cheap to subsist and where Jewish people could normally travel uninhibited and without fear of antisemitic retaliation. These pioneers unwittingly blazed trails in South Asia and South America, established popular itineraries, and forged bucket lists that would become popular, a predictable status quo in and of itself, for the Israeli trekkers who would come later.

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go through the land and describe it

Much has already happened in 2025, our 23rd straight year of Great Commission ministry and consistent Gospel testimony. The same message we preached in 2003 as I rode a bicycle across America is the same message we preached in 2023 on a long walk across America. It’s the same message we have preached in forty-six foreign countries and it will be the same message next month in #47 …

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the breadth of it

Last Friday, I walked the first “breadth” or SPUR off #TheLongWalkUSA main route, carrying the cross and a U.S. flag in distress.  While several from our local church joined up with other brethren to lift up voices outside the Planned Parenthood in Asheville, North Carolina, we walked from that death mill to the junction with the Blue Ridge Parkway off US 25, a 6-mile spur.

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small things, simple preaching

Greetings, beloved brethren, in the name of the Promised Messiah. His name is JESUS, “for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). I trust you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with much cause for thanksgiving, and I pray this Advent Season brings you much joy and reflection upon what is most important: JESUS CHRIST IS COMING. That inescapable inevitability has been true since the Garden of Eden, was true that quiet night in Bethlehem, and remains true today. Regardless of when, where, and how America falls, THE FUTURE IS CHRIST. Joy to the world!

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victory in Jesus!

Greetings, dear friends! I have a question. It’s the same question the famous Baptist missionary Adoniram Judson asked after the LORD turned his captivity from harsh persecution in Burma in 1826. It’s also the same question the Psalmist asked under inspiration of the Holy Ghost: “What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me (Psalm 116:12)?” Your prayers I requested back in July for wisdom and discernment were all answered with EXCLAMATION. We have much for which to be thankful.

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arise and walk

Back on June 25th, we resumed #TheLongWalkUSA from the abandoned barn on Heine Road in Stevens County, Washington. Since, we have logged nearly 300 walking miles with almost 100 Gospel encounters! The walking route has crossed the Columbia River, climbed up and over two mountain ranges (the Kettle Rivers and the Okanogans), slogged into a third mountain chain (the Northern Cascades) and to the summit of Mt. Baker, a big Cascade volcano near the Canadian border …

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the last leg resumes

It was a gorgeous day here in the Pacific Northwest, barely a cloud in the sky, but the sun was blazing hot. By evening, we had resumed what we hope to be the last leg of #TheLongWalkUSA, logging 8 miles from the broken barn on Heine Rd. to Main Street in a little “West Virginia Hollow”—esque Washington community called Addy. Still, we remain unclear about the direction, but it felt good to put one foot in front of another …

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it shall be reconciled

If Christians took seriously Jesus’ very simple instructions in Matthew 18:15-20 and actually followed them, perhaps 99% of problems in the local church, including those PARADED as doctrinal, would be resolved. Sadly, we don’t follow these instructions, and once strong relationships in ministry sometimes crumble to dust. It’s a sad reality of the Christian life and of Christian ministry and will be so until our Lord returns …

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mashiach yisrael chai

MASHIACH YISRAEL CHAI is a Hebrew phrase that translates: THE MESSIAH OF ISRAEL LIVES. Indeed, He does. AM YISRAEL CHAI translates: THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL LIVE. Indeed, they do. In our many conversations over the years with Hebrew-speaking lost sheep from the House of Israel, we customarily use these Hebrew phrases to communicate biblical truth

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a time of war, a time of peace

We recently returned from nearly five weeks on the ground in Israel during a time of war; and yet for us, it was a time of great peace in which God’s grace and provision abounded. Thanks for all your prayers. I have been to Israel five times over the years and have traveled nearly every corner between Dan and Beersheba and from Metula to Eilat. All over, we have declared the true hope of Israel, the Gospel of the Kingdom and the person and work of the Messiah. This last journey, however, proved to be the best

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hiatus no more

HIATUS NO MORE … please pray for us.. In less than a week, Eric and I will be leaving for ISRAEL. By God’s grace, we shall be in the Land for a month and hosting at least two teams of volunteers from our local church. Word on the ground is that the present conflict has opened many doors of opportunity for the Word of God

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brethren, pray for us

In my last post (December 19), I promised a recap of some of our time spent on the last leg of #thelongwalkusa, before we were unjustly arrested and charged for simply defending ourselves from a rabid mongrel who cursed God, cursed us for walking into Montana, and physically assaulted Jesse Boyd. I apologize that I am quite late in fulfilling this promise. I am a very slow writer …

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always abounding

Greetings, brethren, in the name of our Saviour and King, Jesus the Christ. In some upcoming posts, Eric Trent will be recapping in detail the segment of #TheLongWalkUSA that continued from where I last left you at the foot of the Bighorn Mountains back on September 22nd. We had walked halfway across the State of Wyoming and were then able to share some SOME FINE TESTIMONY. I pray you are encouraged by his words in these very dark and troubling times for America, when righteousness is guilty until proven innocent, when truth is fallen into the streets, and when a street preacher is ALWAYS to blame in any situation.

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the man in the truck

This kind gentleman was one of the very first encounters we had on #TheLongWalkUSA. It was March 1, 2021, the very first day of the walk. A couple of miles from the starting line on the North Carolina beach where the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse used to stand, Bethany and I walked up to a flooded section of road where the water was a bit deep. This truck, bearing a Confederate flag, pulled alongside of us—our very first encounter with a motorist who pulled up to engage …

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not the first time

August 12, 2022 alongside US 287 in Madison County, Montana was NOT THE FIRST TIME in my life a complete stranger pulled up to me on the side of a rural highway and GOT OUT OF HIS VEHICLE to attack, completely unprovoked. In 2009, I pedaled a bicycle all the way to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, up through Canada on some very remote highways, some of them gravel for many miles. On the afternoon of August 6, 2009 …

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some fine testimony

Since my last update of a week ago, we left South Dakota and have walked almost halfway across the State of Wyoming. Yesterday, we stopped at the head of Crazy Woman Canyon just south of Buffalo and at the literal feet of the Bighorn Mountains, Northern Wyoming’s front range of the Rockies.

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a tale of two lost sheep

Another leg of #TheLongWalkUSA is in full swing. Since resuming from the Nebraska/Wyoming line west of Harrison back on August 27th, we have walked nearly 300 miles and just crossed the South Dakota/Wyoming line west of Belle Fourche. By God’s abundant grace, we walked out of the Nebraska prairie; we traversed the entirety of the Black Hills Range up to elevations higher than we have seen since the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina; and we have now walked back into the prairie again—what they call Wyoming’s No Man’s Land between the Black Hills and the Big Horn Mountains

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promised details

Hey everyone! In my last newsletter, I promised some details about the last leg’s Gospel encounters from Eric, and here are those promised details from his pen. I pray you are encouraged thereby in these very dark times for America. We are trying to get out of town in the next few days and to resume #TheLongWalkUSA from the Nebraska/Wyoming state line. Please pray for us.

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a long leg

I rejoice that another long leg was completed back on June 24th, after more than a thousand walking miles! On April 28th, we resumed from the tri-state marker where the Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas state lines come together. On June 24th, we walked up to another state line … WYOMING. After 1,087 miles of walking and more than 300 Gospel encounters (some very meaningful with both Jew and Gentile) between these state demarcations, the Lord then gave us liberty to return home for a few weeks to be with our families and to recuperate, re-outfit, and resupply for the long road that still lies ahead.

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We are presently STUCK on our long walk across America. After 91 miles of walking and witnessing a mess of nasty wet peppered with severe thunderstorms moved into the area. Fortunately, we had a warm, cozy home where we could wait it out two hours east. We packed up the SAG late Sunday night and drove back just ahead of the storms. It has been raining pretty much ever since, both where we stopped walking and where we are staying.

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