Posts in walking across america
pounding the pavement

Greetings, beloved brethren. This update will be shorter than usual, for when I’m done, Bethany and I have to drive back down to Eastern North Carolina to resume The Long Walk. Lord willing, we will get in a few miles before dark. Last week was a fruitful week in this endeavor. Thanks to all who prayed for us and kept up with the journey. We logged close to 85 miles across three counties.

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the long walk

Back in 2009 when I rode my bicycle from the Continental United States to the tip-top of Alaska, a Christian brother in Alaska gave me a book from his library that he thought I might appreciate. Entitled The Long Walk, it details the incredible 1941 escape of the Polish author and six other prisoners from a Siberian gulag. These escaped through a hole in the fence during a terrible blizzard and literally walked more than 4,000 miles out of Siberia, through Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, over the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas, and down into British India . . .

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