arrival & departure

I apologize deeply for my recent lull in communication. Some of you may still be wondering whether or not we returned home safely after my last update, a report that had us hunkered down in South Dakota back on December 8th. Yes, we bade a difficult farewell to Ricky as he boarded a bus in Kansas City several days later. He made it home safely, and not long thereafter, we crossed the threshold of our domicile with much gratitude for our Lord’s mercy in bringing us home.

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north to alaska

In summary, this missionary journey (May 8-December 11) involved 4,208 miles of pedaling a bicycle for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ and 21,714 total miles of driving. Great strides were made towards FPGM’s goal of publicly taking the Gospel to the downtown streets of every significant city and town in America as 74 American cities and towns were targeted for outreach. In addition, 19 Canadian cities and towns were visited with the Gospel.

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even in skagway

Greetings brethren. Presently, I am nursing myself back to 100% and am quite confident that I can get back on the bicycle soon. To clear our heads, Ricky and I drove down here to Skagway, Alaska, hoping for some witnessing opportunities and a little respite back in our own country. Miraculously, my injuries after being run over by that ATV, were minor, as was the damage to the bicycle.

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montana's highline

Greetings, beloved, in the name of God the Father, the Great Spirit (John 4:24) and the Creator of all things, and the Lord Jesus Christ, the only One who can save us to God (Romans 5:1-2) and from God (Hebrews 2:3). Since my last update in Malta, I have pedaled another 200+ miles on U.S. Hwy. 2, otherwise known as Montana’s Highline, and we have been busy about the work of the Gospel here in Great Falls, one of the largest cities near our route thus far.

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2009, bicycle journeysFPGM
sowing wind, reaping whirlwind

I begin typing as I sit here with Jamie at the Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey, waiting for our flight back to Romania. ‘Twas a crowded and hectic subway journey just to get back here from the old city. Wow, we had quite a time in Istanbul . . . but wait, I must not get ahead of myself. Truly, much led up to this point, and the Lord has been very good. Thank you for all your prayers.

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destination eastern europe

Well, ‘tis yet another eve of departure: the destination, this time, being Eastern Europe. Please keep our evangelism team and the upcoming work in your prayers over the coming weeks. On Wednesday (January 7), I will leave for Romania and Moldova where we will be witnessing on the streets and conducting several martial arts demonstrations as an avenue to preach repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21).

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dangerous statements out of hickory

This commentary about the recent arrest of my brother and me in Hickory, NC should be a boisterous alarm to all Bible-believing Christians in America who still think we live in a land of freedom. Articles in the news media and recent public statements by City Officials demand a response.

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hickory saturated again

On a day marking the celebration of our nation’s Independence, I preached in the open air concerning deteriorating religious freedom in America, the biblical principles upon which the United States was founded, the Law of God as written on the conscience of every man, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the command upon all Christians to preach the Gospel message even if it means persecution, imprisonment, and death (Mark 16:15; Acts 5:29).

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hickory, the pressure is on

First, I want to express my deepest gratitude for all the encouraging emails and spiritual support we have received since last weekend’s arrest for the sake of the Gospel. The Hickory Police Department and the Jaycees have been flooded with emails and telephone calls, and certain wheels are now in motion. It is Wednesday, and the charges still have not been dropped; but, I am confident this will soon happen.

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arrested in hickory

It is truly a sad day in America, the supposed "Land of the Free." Last night, my brother (Matthew) and I were arrested for "tresspassing on public property" simply because we were distributing Gospel tracts freely at a free public access event on the town square in Hickory, NC.

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south asia 2008

In February of 2008, Full Proof Gospel Ministries returned to South Asia for three months. During this time, the work of Project Jagerna was furthered; two evangelism teams were brought in to mass distribute the Word of God--one in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and one Nepal; and the Gospel was proclaimed in remote areas of Nepal's Far West.

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from kathmandu

My travels thus far have been good and busy. Coming through Delhi allowed me to share the Gospel with several on those chaotic streets. And, my arrival in Kathmandu brought back many memories. Since last Sunday, I have been laboring diligently with Bishnu Shrestha, my national partner, in the work of Project Jagerna.

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2008, project jagernaFPGM
podunk towns

In the past weeks, we have assumed a little bit different of an approach for taking the Gospel to our “Jerusalem and Judea” (i.e. our local area--see Acts 1:8). Going to the loitering kids in Hickory on the weekends got old, and we grew weary of dealing with the same blasphemers and haters of God. Matthew 7:6 was ever before our minds. Therefore, we set a goal of hitting the central district of ever single town or community, fanning out from Hickory, NC, even if the so-called town was nothing more than an intersection with a post office.

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northern europe

In Scandinavia and Northern Europe, much like FPGM's efforts in South Asia, our objective was to assist, supplement, and partner with national believers and the existing work of long-term church planters. We did this by way of bold Gospel proclamation, Scripture distribution, and evangelism training.

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2007, ends of the earthFPGM
south asia 2006-2007

In South Asia, from the Fall of 2006 to the Summer of 2007, FPGM aimed to assist, supplement, and partner with national believers and the existing work of long-term church-planters by boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, printing and publishing the Word of God, and saturating hitherto unreached areas with the Word of God.

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spiritual medicine

In addition to the above, there have been numerous other struggles lately, and earlier today, after dropping Beth off at the airport, I found some aatmaako aushadi (Nepali for spiritual medicine), something to ease the mind and remind me about why we are here. I went down to New Road (a very busy street in central Kathmandu) and started handing out Gospel tracts and Bibles. Before long, I had a curious crowd, and the Lord allowed me to preach the Gospel boldly and publicly.

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2007, ends of the earthFPGM

Presently, it is very early in the morning, and I sit in my bed (a mattress on the floor) in our domicile here in Leh. I gaze out our huge bay windows and again take notice that we are surrounded by aspen-like pencil trees, rocky crags, and mud-brick houses. To the immediate south lies the immense Indus Valley with Ladakhi villages scattered about. Beyond that, the mighty Stok Range boasts 19-20,000 ft. peaks crowned with snow and ice. Smaller “hills” (12-19,000 ft.) ring the city, and some of these feature chortens, religious shrines, and/or Buddhist prayer flags.

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2006, ends of the earthFPGM
no luggage

Because of crazy restrictions, we had little carry-on baggage, so we basically have no clothes, no gear, and most tragically, no tracts and Bibles. All I have is a small stack of Hindi tracts, and they are almost gone. You could literally stand on these streets and hand out tracts 24-7. Despite our current situation, the Word has gone out in several instances today.

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In February of 2006, Full Proof Gospel Ministries visited the wind-swept regions of Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia with the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. The FPGM team took Bibles and Gospel tracts into places like Rio Gallegos, El Calafate, El Chalten, Ushuaia (the world's southernmost city), and backcountry border areas on the Chilean frontier (i.e. hitherto unplowed ground). Numerous locals and foreign trekkers were confronted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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