to publish, preserve, & preach for those without
in nepal & beyond
Jagerna is a Nepali word that denotes “preservation.” With this context mind, Project Jagerna was founded in 2007 as a partnership between Full Proof Gospel Ministries and Nepali believers with the aim of laboring together to preserve the pure Word of God for the Nepali-speaking people through TRANSLATION, FREE DISTRIBUTION, and PUBLIC PROCLAMATION.
Below are testimonies from this ongoing work:
We are very grateful for those who recently gave toward the purchase of blankets for the elderly and new mothers in Nepali villages. These are a real blessing for the villagers during the cold; and they are an avenue for meeting a real need in the spirit of James 2:15-16 while preaching the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah to those who have never heard.
They really appreciated the teaching and implored us to continue coming to teach them sound doctrine. These pastors and leaders don't have much training, and it's very difficult for them to leave their families and flocks for long trainings in Kathmandu. That's why we are going to them . . .
Following the devastating April 25th Nepal earthquake that has claimed the lives of more than 8,000 people, Full Proof Gospel Ministries, having had a presence in Nepal for more than a decade, has jumped right in with the help of our national partners to bring aid and use the opportunity to declare and spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only real help in times like these. To date, and through the generosity of many faithful believers, God has provided $24,000 through this small ministry to help on the ground in Nepal. Below are a few reports from one of our national partners, reports from both the Gorkha District (i.e. near the epicenter of the quake) and the Sindhupalchowk District (i.e. the worst hit area).
Greetings from Himalaya in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Let's praise God for His faithfulness. He is always good, and He always helps us for His glory. As answers to your prayers, God a lot of things transpired during our recent trip to the West. Thank you very much for your continuous prayers.
Greetings from top of the World in the Name of it's Creator! Indeed, there is no Rock like our God. He is faithful and listens to our prayers and answers it in His ways which are above our ways, beyond our imagination--as in the story of Hannah and Samuel. Such was also the case during our last trip to Nepal's Far West back in the month of May.
Greetings, dear brethren, in the name of the Most High God. Full Proof Gospel Ministries just received this year-end correspondence from Brother Bishnu concerning the front-line work we helped to start and continue to support in Nepal, a land of high mountains and many, many people who have never heard the biblical Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ. I pray you are encouraged thereby. Please continue to pray for this work and join us in prayer as we seek an open door to return to South Asia and Nepal in the coming months.
Below is word from Brother Bishnu in Nepal. The prayer request is serious. This preaching trip in the jeep we purchased for them a few months back will be risky during the monsoon season. Please lift these brothers up. If you folks in Catawba County thought the torrential rain and flooding we had a couple weeks ago was bad, that is par for the course in Nepal this time of year. Sometimes, you will have a village on a hillside one minute, the next minute it is gone--mudslide. At other times, village on the river one minute, gone the next--avalanche somewhere up in the mountains. These brothers are bold and are doing good work. They need our support and prayers.
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! The day is coming when Messiah will take possession of an inheritance, that which is rightfully His: an inheritance of all nations, an inheritance of the heathen, even in uttermost corners like Nepal. In that day, when a literal physical Jesus Christ returns to set up an earthly Kingdom to rule and reign for a thousand years and to fulfill all prophecy, God the Father says of His Son regarding that inheritance: "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel" (Psalm 2:9). Those are the days of judgment. But, praise God, now are the days of salvation; and Christ is gathering unto Himself an inheritance of grace at uttermost corners even before He comes to rule with righteousness and a rod of iron.
Well, God gave us a booth at Lalitpur Trade Show from March 28-April 3, 2013. We gave out more than 10,000 Project Jagerna Gospels of John and many thousands of tracts during that week. The main victory was that the local tribal people, Newaris, the most religious and orthodox Hindus, were reached in this outreach program. These people generally do not accept tracts in their area, but they took them at that show. Also, the great thing was that the Lord helped us to preach and give out the Gospel from a temple porch, right there in the presence of the idols.
Guru is an old Sanskrit word used in South Asian contexts for a “spiritual teacher.” It’s actually similar to the Hebrew rabbi. And sadly, as in Jewish culture, South Asian cultures are rife with so-called “spiritual teachers” who are nothing more than snake oil charlatans. But, my Guru once opened the eyes of the blind . . .