Human history is clear: ALL manmade attempts to bring peace to earth, or global unity and tolerance, only result in prison camps, revolutions, bloodshed, graves, and the persecution of Christians, Jews, and those who fear God . . .
Read MoreThe Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ was not a good suggestion, and it appears in the New Testament at least five times. Mark 16:15-16 is most succinct, the SCOPE & RESULTS of the Commission. Verse 15 is the church's responsibility; verse 16 is the Lord's problem.
Read MoreWhen the fulness of the time was come, the Word was made flesh: "God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons" (Galatians 4:4). Hallelujah, that is not manmade and dead religion!
Read MoreThroughout the summer, this question of eternal consequence confronted countless travelers across the Indian Himalaya. The Gospel tract that we most often distribute to trekkers and tourists bears this title. We have translated it into Hebrew for the Israelis and carry it in English for other nationalities . . .
Read MoreAlmost a month ago, I started this post speaking of the tides of life, the tides of ministry, and the rest we can have in the promises of God, the certainties of His Word, and the inevitable Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. With regard to the election madness here in America, I said it once, and I'll say it again . . .
Read MoreGreetings, dear brethren, in the Name of the One who is from everlasting to everlasting. As Moses penned by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit long ago: “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God” (Psalm 90:2) . . .
Read MoreShalom, dear friends, from Indian Railways! This update is being penned as I sit in transit between the coastal Indian state of Goa and the northern hill station of Dehradun. The two places are more than 2,000 kilometers apart. Journeys like this make me think of the disciples in the Book of Acts and how they too must have written some of their letters to the churches while they were in transit . . .
Read MoreThe angels saw fit to celebrate the birth of the Christ child (Hebrews 1:6), so should we; but not simply His birth during a single season of the year. Celebrate His incarnation, His death, His burial, His resurrection, and His soon coming to "rule all nations with a rod of iron" (Revelation 12:5), a daily celebration worthy of all seasons. And, to truly celebrate is to ANNUNCIATE . . .
Read MoreOver the past few weeks there has been a big increase in attacks from Palestinian Muslims on the Jewish Israeli citizens. The media has been covering these attacks, but if you simply follow the misleading headlines then you will fail to understand what is happening over there . . .
Read MorePraise God that the Church has been delivered from the wrath to come (I Thessalonians 1:10). We are not promised deliverance from the wrath of men or the wrath of the devil. Even now, by these we are troubled on every side. But, what's coming is the WRATH OF GOD poured out upon this world. And, from that, the saint has been promised deliverance--as Enoch was delivered, as just Lot was delivered . . .
Read MoreThese days, so many in America claim: "I am a Christian, but the Bible was just written by men and I don't believe everything it has to say." My friends, how can this be? "Christian" is a BIBLE word first found in the BIBLE . . .
Read MoreAfter the ministry precedent set by Paul and Barnabas when they returned to Antioch following the First Missionary Journey (Acts 14:26-27), we desire to rehearse for you in this post all that God has done, particularly with our first summer volunteer team up in Ladakh (the work of mustering next summer's team has already begun), how He gave a door of utterance amongst the lost sheep of the House of Israel and yet also "opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles." This summer, with a solid group of young people who truly grew in their walk with the Lord, FPGM had the great privilege to taking the Gospel TO THE JEW FIRST AND ALSO TO THE GENTILE in the high places of the earth.
Read MoreOn June 22nd, a rare and glorious thing happened up here in Ladakh. A Ladakhi family (father, mother, and teenage son) cast off their Buddhism and gave their hearts to the Lord. We were blessed to be a part of baptizing these at a secret spot on the Indus River where we baptized a brother last Fall and where some Buddhist monks were secretly baptized into the faith years ago.
Read MoreAs I walk down the streets of these South Asian cities and towns, I see maddening chaos and so many bizarre scenes. It is hard to really paint a picture with words so you can understand what I am talking about, especially if you have never been to this part of the world yourself. What never ceases to amaze is the mindless commotion around every corner. There are some that claim the world is becoming a better place because of the advancements of technology. To them I can say nothing more than, “What? Are you blind?”
Read MoreFollowing the devastating April 25th Nepal earthquake that has claimed the lives of more than 8,000 people, Full Proof Gospel Ministries, having had a presence in Nepal for more than a decade, has jumped right in with the help of our national partners to bring aid and use the opportunity to declare and spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only real help in times like these. To date, and through the generosity of many faithful believers, God has provided $24,000 through this small ministry to help on the ground in Nepal. Below are a few reports from one of our national partners, reports from both the Gorkha District (i.e. near the epicenter of the quake) and the Sindhupalchowk District (i.e. the worst hit area).
Read MoreGreetings, in the name of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Living God. I tell you my friends, this past month has been one of the most insightful trips I have ever experienced. On February 20th, Jesse and I departed the United States enroute to the JEWISH STATE of Israel. I marvel that Gentiles from the opposite side of the world can board a plane and travel to a nation of Jewish people in the land promised to Abraham about 4000 years ago, Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel). And, when I considers the events that have transpired from Abraham until now, the remains of which are scattered all over Israel, I cannot escape the reality of Elohim's faithfulness to the Jewish people.
Read MoreGreetings from Himalaya in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Let's praise God for His faithfulness. He is always good, and He always helps us for His glory. As answers to your prayers, God a lot of things transpired during our recent trip to the West. Thank you very much for your continuous prayers.
Read MoreGreetings to those brethren who hold the ropes for FPGM through prayer and pecuniary sacrifice. Thank you. And, greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to any around the world who may stumble upon this post. Brother Ricky and I depart for Israel in a week, and ahead of that journey, I find myself reflecting upon tools, tools that believers can and should use to point others to faith in Jesus Christ. What are your talents? What are the abilities God has given you? Are you using them for the furtherance of self or for the furtherance of the Gospel?
Read MoreI write now concerning the dry season here in Nepal. From June through September, the country is inundated with heavy rains making it difficult to do anything. There are mudslides throughout the country and all of the trails that lace the mountainsides are too slippery to do much hiking or travel. For the remainder of the year, however, Nepal is almost completely deprived of rain, so the trails are nice and dry. This is great for all of the tourists.
Read MoreUndoubtedly, many of you heard or sang an old familiar carol by Isaac Watts at some point during this Christmastime: Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King . . . Do you realize that this song was not actually written about Jesus' birth but about His second coming? Just read the words of the verses. The world can get pretty sentimental about a little baby Jesus in a manger, but it despises any thought of His return, His reign, and His judgment. And, concerning these things, the churches can be so apathetic. Yet, praise be unto God: The Lord Jesus Christ WILL reign over this earth, both physically and bodily, a stone cut without hands that becomes a mighty mountain, grinding even the greatest of manmade kingdoms to wind-driven chaff (Daniel 2:34-35).
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